Julian Newman Oral History:
Newman, Julian 1910- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth; and edited by Connie Grabow, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This Oral history is wonderful in describing Ketchum in the 1920's and the people who lived there. It also covers a lot of history of early sheep farming including the beginning of the Forest Service and the first allotments given to the sheep men. It covers in detail the process of getting the sheep on the Ketchum train with the use of goats. It describes where differnt buildings were located including Jack Lane's store. Topics of discussion include: history of the Newman sheep business; sheep herders; annual migration of the Newman family; Ketchum Livestock Association; sheep shipping day; attitudes toward sheep men; forest reserve; the road over Galena Summit; social interaction; predators and the elimination of jack rabbits; stray pickers; pioneer hospitality; characters and families from early Ketchum; Price Newman's innovations in sheep business; summers in Ketchum; Ketchum after the silver mining bust; entertainment in Ketchum; automobiles of the era; Jack Lane's Mercantile; Jerias Lewis; the Fanny Club; Basque food and cooking; lambing crews; trailing sheep to grazing; uncle Billy Newman.]
OH 0018 NEW
Mary Newman Ostrander Oral History
Ostrander,Mary Newman, 1906-,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residens., This Oral history recalls the early 1900's in Ketchum when it was a sleepy little town. There weren't even any streets, just paths everywhere. Mary talks about the early 1900's in Ketchum, Hailey and Shoshone and discusses the local families, parties, dances, the Chinese vegatble man and other interesting stories. The interview covered the following topics: summer time life in Ketchum; townsfolk gathering at the post office for the mail; local women and families and how they dressed; picnics, dances, swiming as early recreation; remembering the family's first automobile; limited employment opportunities for local folks; Jack Lane's store and other local businesses; Brass family and story of Sid graves; driving with her father; limited activities for females during summer visits to family sheep camps; the McCoy boarding house; Martha Gooding; dances; Chinese garden in Hailey; having many guests at the Hewman house during summers in ketchum; Guyer Hot Springs; Martha Goodings "bunk house" and the hard life of sheep ranchers., Transcription index reads as follows: Addison's Disease 37; Aunt Rachel 11; automobiles 7, 11-13, 18, 22, 31-32; Becket, Grace 35; Bellevue, ID 13; Boise, ID 13, 26, 31; Bordon, Alice 35; Bordon family 24, 25; Brass family 25, 35, 36; Brass, Ernest 8, 10-11; Breckenridge, John 40; camping 5, 6; Catholic Church 5; Chapman family 24; Chinese 20; Comstock and Clark 2, 34; Cottonwoods, the 14, 23; Dollarhide Summit 13; Episcopal Church 4; Farnlun farm 6; fashion 21-22; First National Bank 2, 27; fishing 5; Freemasons 33; gardens 29; Giacobbi Square 3, 15; Glenns' Ferry, ID 39; Glover, ernestine 10-11, 26; Gooding butcher shop 18, 20; Gooding, Edward (Ed) 32; Gooding family 16, 18, 32; Gooding home 15, 27, 34; Gooding, Fred 1, 17; Gooding, Martha 16-18, 34-35; Gooding, Thomas 16; Graves, Sid 11-12; Griffith family 1, 17; Griffith, Mrs. 5; Guyer Hot Springs 6, 10, 18, 30-33, 35; Hailey, ID 7, 20, 23, 29, 3; Heap home 3; Heap, Florence 17; Heiss family 33; Hiawatha Hotel 22-23; horses 10-11; Hulen Meadows 1, 18; Hyde, Edith Ellis 3, 4, 10; Hyde home 3; Kennedy, President 37; Ketchum, ID, cemetary 26; Ketchum, ID, permanent residents 1; Ketchum, ID, school house 25; Ketchum, ID, summer 1; Knob Hill 26; Knot, Mrs. 4; Lane, Jack 8; Lane, mercantile 8, 18; Lewis Ranch, 3; Lewis, Horace 5, 27; Lombardina family 4, 8; McCoy boarding house 14-15; McCoy home 15; McCoy, "Dora" Hicks 15; McCoy, Sarah (Grandma) 4; McFeeters, Mr. 29; McFeeters, Mrs. 15; mining 8, 24; Minnie Moore Mine 27; music 3, 18, 32-33; Newman family 10, 16; Newman home 15, 28; Newman, Grandfather 37-38; Newman, Harold 36, 41; Newman, Julia jones 1, 6-7, 10, 13, 15, 28, 36; Newman, Julian 3, 35; Newman, Maggie 3; Newman, Price 1, 6-7, 10-13, 14, 30-32, 36; Newman, "Speed" Sterling Price 3, 7, 13; Newman, William (Bill) 38; North Star Mine 27; Novenger, Mrs. 17; Oddfellows Hall 18; Ostrander, Eugene 39; Ostrander, Mrs. 21-22; Parks, Ernie 3; Parks home 3; Parks, Mrs. 2, 8, 22; Peavey, Mrs. 21-22; Post Office 2, 8, 9, 10; recreation 18-20; Russian John's Ranger Station 30; Sanger's Garage 9; sheep, business 14, 39-41; sheep, camp 13-14; sheep, wool 13; Shoshone, ID 1, 6, 7, 17-18, 24, 25, 28, 34, 36; Snug Bar 23; Soldier Summit 13; Sun Valley, ID 3, 8; Texas 21; Trail Creek 5, 10; U.S. Forest Service 8, 11, 29, 39; Venable family 2, 16; Vanables's Stable 8; Vermont 30; Warm Springs 5, 13; Wood River 5, 13.]
OH 0010 OST
Mary Newman Ostrander Oral History
Ostrander,Mary Newman, 1906-,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residens., This Oral history recalls the early 1900's in Ketchum when it was a sleepy little town. There weren't even any streets, just paths everywhere. Mary talks about the early 1900's in Ketchum, Hailey and Shoshone and discusses the local families, parties, dances, the Chinese vegatble man and other interesting stories. The interview covered the following topics: summer time life in Ketchum; townsfolk gathering at the post office for the mail; local women and families and how they dressed; picnics, dances, swiming as early recreation; remembering the family's first automobile; limited employment opportunities for local folks; Jack Lane's store and other local businesses; Brass family and story of Sid graves; driving with her father; limited activities for females during summer visits to family sheep camps; the McCoy boarding house; Martha Gooding; dances; Chinese garden in Hailey; having many guests at the Hewman house during summers in ketchum; Guyer Hot Springs; Martha Goodings "bunk house" and the hard life of sheep ranchers., Transcription index reads as follows: Addison's Disease 37; Aunt Rachel 11; automobiles 7, 11-13, 18, 22, 31-32; Becket, Grace 35; Bellevue, ID 13; Boise, ID 13, 26, 31; Bordon, Alice 35; Bordon family 24, 25; Brass family 25, 35, 36; Brass, Ernest 8, 10-11; Breckenridge, John 40; camping 5, 6; Catholic Church 5; Chapman family 24; Chinese 20; Comstock and Clark 2, 34; Cottonwoods, the 14, 23; Dollarhide Summit 13; Episcopal Church 4; Farnlun farm 6; fashion 21-22; First National Bank 2, 27; fishing 5; Freemasons 33; gardens 29; Giacobbi Square 3, 15; Glenns' Ferry, ID 39; Glover, ernestine 10-11, 26; Gooding butcher shop 18, 20; Gooding, Edward (Ed) 32; Gooding family 16, 18, 32; Gooding home 15, 27, 34; Gooding, Fred 1, 17; Gooding, Martha 16-18, 34-35; Gooding, Thomas 16; Graves, Sid 11-12; Griffith family 1, 17; Griffith, Mrs. 5; Guyer Hot Springs 6, 10, 18, 30-33, 35; Hailey, ID 7, 20, 23, 29, 3; Heap home 3; Heap, Florence 17; Heiss family 33; Hiawatha Hotel 22-23; horses 10-11; Hulen Meadows 1, 18; Hyde, Edith Ellis 3, 4, 10; Hyde home 3; Kennedy, President 37; Ketchum, ID, cemetary 26; Ketchum, ID, permanent residents 1; Ketchum, ID, school house 25; Ketchum, ID, summer 1; Knob Hill 26; Knot, Mrs. 4; Lane, Jack 8; Lane, mercantile 8, 18; Lewis Ranch, 3; Lewis, Horace 5, 27; Lombardina family 4, 8; McCoy boarding house 14-15; McCoy home 15; McCoy, "Dora" Hicks 15; McCoy, Sarah (Grandma) 4; McFeeters, Mr. 29; McFeeters, Mrs. 15; mining 8, 24; Minnie Moore Mine 27; music 3, 18, 32-33; Newman family 10, 16; Newman home 15, 28; Newman, Grandfather 37-38; Newman, Harold 36, 41; Newman, Julia jones 1, 6-7, 10, 13, 15, 28, 36; Newman, Julian 3, 35; Newman, Maggie 3; Newman, Price 1, 6-7, 10-13, 14, 30-32, 36; Newman, "Speed" Sterling Price 3, 7, 13; Newman, William (Bill) 38; North Star Mine 27; Novenger, Mrs. 17; Oddfellows Hall 18; Ostrander, Eugene 39; Ostrander, Mrs. 21-22; Parks, Ernie 3; Parks home 3; Parks, Mrs. 2, 8, 22; Peavey, Mrs. 21-22; Post Office 2, 8, 9, 10; recreation 18-20; Russian John's Ranger Station 30; Sanger's Garage 9; sheep, business 14, 39-41; sheep, camp 13-14; sheep, wool 13; Shoshone, ID 1, 6, 7, 17-18, 24, 25, 28, 34, 36; Snug Bar 23; Soldier Summit 13; Sun Valley, ID 3, 8; Texas 21; Trail Creek 5, 10; U.S. Forest Service 8, 11, 29, 39; Venable family 2, 16; Vanables's Stable 8; Vermont 30; Warm Springs 5, 13; Wood River 5, 13.]
OH 0010 OST
Elizabeth Peavey Oral History : As narrated to Miriam Breckenridge.
Peavey, Elizabeth, 1881-1979.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam breckenridge and edited by Miriam breckenridge, Judy Johnson, sandra Hofferber, and Shirley Huckins; transcribed by Claudia walsworth., Mrs. Peavey was ninety-seven years old when this oral history was done. She and her husband were 'green' when it came to farming and eventually took jobs in Twin Falls and sold their ranch outside of Twin Falls. Arthur Peavey worked for the Land and Water Company and they were early pioneers on the Snake River irrigation tract in Twin Falls. They visited Ketchum and stayed at The Guyer Hot Springs. Stories of the Lewis and Barry families.]
OH 0012 PEA
Elizabeth Peavey Oral History : As narrated to Miriam Breckenridge.
Peavey, Elizabeth, 1881-1979.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam breckenridge and edited by Miriam breckenridge, Judy Johnson, sandra Hofferber, and Shirley Huckins; transcribed by Claudia walsworth., Mrs. Peavey was ninety-seven years old when this oral history was done. She and her husband were 'green' when it came to farming and eventually took jobs in Twin Falls and sold their ranch outside of Twin Falls. Arthur Peavey worked for the Land and Water Company and they were early pioneers on the Snake River irrigation tract in Twin Falls. They visited Ketchum and stayed at The Guyer Hot Springs. Stories of the Lewis and Barry families.]
OH 0012 PEA
Judy Atkinson Oral History
Atkinson, Judy 1939-
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Sandy Snyder; transcribed by Margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra hoffereber and Clara Spiegel., Judy Atkinson chaired the board which created Sam's (Hazard) School in 1973, which over the year's segued into The Community School, a private K-12 school located in Sun Valley (ID). She discusses the history: beginnings, leadership, staffing, physical plant(s), controversies etc.]
OH 0085 ATK
Judy Atkinson Oral History
Atkinson, Judy 1939-
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Sandy Snyder; transcribed by Margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra hoffereber and Clara Spiegel., Judy Atkinson chaired the board which created Sam's (Hazard) School in 1973, which over the year's segued into The Community School, a private K-12 school located in Sun Valley (ID). She discusses the history: beginnings, leadership, staffing, physical plant(s), controversies etc.]
OH 0085 ATK
Clara Spiegel Oral History
Spiegel, Clara 1904-1997.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Deanne Thompson; transcribed by Margaret Donnelly,; and edited by Sandra Hoffereber and Jo Ellen Collins., One of the founders of the effort which led to the creation of The Community Library, Clara Spiegel first vacationed at the Sun Valley Resort in 1937 and moved to Ketchum in 1951. Part of Ernest Hemingway's group of Wood River Valley friends,she was acquainted with several other Sun Valley celebrity guests. Much of the interview deals with the founding of the Gold Mine and the Community Library and tells of the early days of the Gold Mine and Library where just about everything was done by volunteer work.]
OH 0083 SPI
Clara Spiegel Oral History
Spiegel, Clara 1904-1997.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Ginger Piotter and Michael Engl; transcribed by Ginger Piotter; and edited by Sandra Hoffereber and Shirley Huckins., One of the founders of the effort which led to the creation of The Community Library, Clara Spiegel first vacationed at the Sun Valley Resort in 1937 and moved to Ketchum in 1951. Part of Ernest Hemingway's group of Wood River Valley friends,she was acquainted with several other Sun Valley celebrity guests. topics of discussion include Clara's early life and schooling in Chicago at Faulkner School for Girls, acting in school performances of Shakespeare plays, summer vacations to Europe and western US, Clara's early trips to Sun Valley, writing novels with her friend Jane Bair, memories of the Austrian ski instructors at Sun Valley, Averell Harriman, ski attire in the late 1930s, momories of the saloons and gambling taking place in Ketchum, Dr. Moritz, the founding and the early days of the Gold Mine and the Community Library, and memories of bird hunting and fishing with Taylor Williams.]
OH 0253 SPI
Lesley Benoit Oral History:
Benoit, Lesley 1895-
[The Oral History Collection consists of typed interviews of long-time residents. This Oral History is the fourth oral history in the series maintained by the Regional History Department of the Community Library and was conducted by Marian Breckenridge, who interviewed Lesley Benoit, Dorothy Brandt, and David Brant on September 8, 1977. This was a multi-oerson interview using photographs from early days in Ketchum. The oral history was edited by Miram Breckenridge and Connie Grabow, and transcribed by Ginger Piotter and Claudia Walsworth., Brief discussion with Lesley Benoit concerning a supposedly haunted house at Dollarhide, the Heap house, the Williams Hotel and the story that its competitor, Paul Baxter of the Baxter Hotel, had paid a man to burn down the Williams Hotel in Ketchum in 1904(owned by Lesley's father, and the story of the origin of the building that became the Williams Hotel; multi-person discussion of the easley and Williams families; discussion of the Brandt Cabins abd the Guyer Hot Springs; discussion of activities at the Fitzsimmons Hall - such as dances and the celebration of the arrival of the railroad in Ketchum in 1884; discussion of the Lewis and Barry families; discussion of use of heavy trees or logs as "brakes" for wagons and early automobiles when descending steep grades such as Trail Creek and galena; discussion of the Parks and Werry families; discussion of Guyer Hot Springs; discussion concerning the difficulty of crank starting early automobiles; discussion of various old photographs; discussion of the McPheeter home., Transcription index reads as follows: Automobiles 17-18, 23-24; Barry, (Mrs.) 16; Barry, Agnes 15-16; Baxter Hotel 2; Baxter, Paul 3; Bellevue, Id 21; Brandt cabins 6, 18, 20; Brass, Marge 25; Broadford, Id 21, Brown, Paul 28; Camping 11; Carters 6; Delius, George 14; Dogsledding 19; Dollarhide Home 1-2; Easley 6-7; Ebby 20; Episcopal Church 5-6, 10; Farnlun Ranch 11; Fitzsimmons Hall 12-15; Friedman, Lucille 23; Galena Summitt 17; Gooding, Alba 8; Gooding, Ed 8, 23; Gooding, Fred 7-8; Griffith family 7, 24; Griffith, Molly 7-8; Guyer family 10-11; Guyer, Henry 29; Guyer Hot Springs 8-9, 19-23; Heap Home 1-2; Jimmy the harp 14; Ketchum-Fires 3, 6, 12, 23; ketchum Kamp Hotel 20-21; Ketchum Keystone 7, 26; Ketchum-Saloons 14; Lane's mercantile 2, 6-7, 12; Lewis, Horace 15; Lewis, Isaac 15; Lewis, Kate 15-16; Majors, (Mrs.) 20; Majors, Jack 20; McFall Hotel 10; McPheeter Home 27-28; Munson, Fred 17-18; Nicholas the Fiddler 14; Ore Wagons 15-16; Parks, Billy 19; Parks, Chub 18-19; Parks, Ernie 18; Parks, Frank 18-19; Parks, Johnny 19; Procter, Charles 25; Railroad 11-13, 21; Sheep 17-81; Smith, Alba Gooding 8; Smith, Sid 8; Stewart 8, 10; Trail Creek Summit 16-17; Tucker, Ed 13, 26; Werry, Slavey 20-21; Werry, Ted 20; Williams, Edward B. 2-3, 6-7, 12, 20; Williams Hotel 2-4, 6-7; Williams, Nellie Easley 1, 3-8, 10-12, 16-17, 23-24; Wilson, Frances 19; World's Fair 27.]
OH 0004 BEN
Lesley Benoit Oral History:
Benoit, Lesley 1895-
[The Oral History Collection consists of typed interviews of long-time residents. This Oral History is the fourth oral history in the series maintained by the Regional History Department of the Community Library and was conducted by Marian Breckenridge, who interviewed Lesley Benoit, Dorothy Brandt, and David Brant on September 8, 1977. This was a multi-oerson interview using photographs from early days in Ketchum. The oral history was edited by Miram Breckenridge and Connie Grabow, and transcribed by Ginger Piotter and Claudia Walsworth., Brief discussion with Lesley Benoit concerning a supposedly haunted house at Dollarhide, the Heap house, the Williams Hotel and the story that its competitor, Paul Baxter of the Baxter Hotel, had paid a man to burn down the Williams Hotel in Ketchum in 1904(owned by Lesley's father, and the story of the origin of the building that became the Williams Hotel; multi-person discussion of the easley and Williams families; discussion of the Brandt Cabins abd the Guyer Hot Springs; discussion of activities at the Fitzsimmons Hall - such as dances and the celebration of the arrival of the railroad in Ketchum in 1884; discussion of the Lewis and Barry families; discussion of use of heavy trees or logs as "brakes" for wagons and early automobiles when descending steep grades such as Trail Creek and galena; discussion of the Parks and Werry families; discussion of Guyer Hot Springs; discussion concerning the difficulty of crank starting early automobiles; discussion of various old photographs; discussion of the McPheeter home., Transcription index reads as follows: Automobiles 17-18, 23-24; Barry, (Mrs.) 16; Barry, Agnes 15-16; Baxter Hotel 2; Baxter, Paul 3; Bellevue, Id 21; Brandt cabins 6, 18, 20; Brass, Marge 25; Broadford, Id 21, Brown, Paul 28; Camping 11; Carters 6; Delius, George 14; Dogsledding 19; Dollarhide Home 1-2; Easley 6-7; Ebby 20; Episcopal Church 5-6, 10; Farnlun Ranch 11; Fitzsimmons Hall 12-15; Friedman, Lucille 23; Galena Summitt 17; Gooding, Alba 8; Gooding, Ed 8, 23; Gooding, Fred 7-8; Griffith family 7, 24; Griffith, Molly 7-8; Guyer family 10-11; Guyer, Henry 29; Guyer Hot Springs 8-9, 19-23; Heap Home 1-2; Jimmy the harp 14; Ketchum-Fires 3, 6, 12, 23; ketchum Kamp Hotel 20-21; Ketchum Keystone 7, 26; Ketchum-Saloons 14; Lane's mercantile 2, 6-7, 12; Lewis, Horace 15; Lewis, Isaac 15; Lewis, Kate 15-16; Majors, (Mrs.) 20; Majors, Jack 20; McFall Hotel 10; McPheeter Home 27-28; Munson, Fred 17-18; Nicholas the Fiddler 14; Ore Wagons 15-16; Parks, Billy 19; Parks, Chub 18-19; Parks, Ernie 18; Parks, Frank 18-19; Parks, Johnny 19; Procter, Charles 25; Railroad 11-13, 21; Sheep 17-81; Smith, Alba Gooding 8; Smith, Sid 8; Stewart 8, 10; Trail Creek Summit 16-17; Tucker, Ed 13, 26; Werry, Slavey 20-21; Werry, Ted 20; Williams, Edward B. 2-3, 6-7, 12, 20; Williams Hotel 2-4, 6-7; Williams, Nellie Easley 1, 3-8, 10-12, 16-17, 23-24; Wilson, Frances 19; World's Fair 27.]
OH 0004 BEN
Bessie Bentley Oral History
Bessie Bentley 1909-1999.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by deanne Thompson; transcribed by margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Speigel., Bessie Weaver Bentley was born in Twin Falls (ID) and lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, where her husband had Bentley's Photography. They moved to Ketchum in 1947 where they built and lived above the downtown Ketchum Bentley building. Bessie applied herself to community work, mostly involving The Community Library starting with the Gold Mine when it was in the mining shacks, fund raising and serving 40 years on the Library Board. she was a talented musician and notable cook. Most of the interview is a discussion concerning the early days of the Gold Mine and Community Library.]
OH 0093 BEN
Bessie Bentley Oral History
Bessie Bentley 1909-1999.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by deanne Thompson; transcribed by margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Speigel., Bessie Weaver Bentley was born in Twin Falls (ID) and lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, where her husband had Bentley's Photography. They moved to Ketchum in 1947 where they built and lived above the downtown Ketchum Bentley building. Bessie applied herself to community work, mostly involving The Community Library starting with the Gold Mine when it was in the mining shacks, fund raising and serving 40 years on the Library Board. she was a talented musician and notable cook. Most of the interview is a discussion concerning the early days of the Gold Mine and Community Library.]
OH 0093 BEN
An interview with John Breckenridge
Breckenridge, John :1916-1996.
This oral history records important historical aspects of the central Idaho sheep industry. The Breckenridge family owned land in Twin Falls, ID, and in the Stanley Basin area of the Sawtooth National Forest and were well known in the sheep business. John discusses his memories of Ketchum in the 20s; sheep grazing in the Stanley Basin in the 30s; trucking sheep and lambs; the railroad; marketinge of lambs in Ogden, UT, or Denver; the development of "country buying" for which lambs were sold near the sheep ranch and then trucked to market by the buyer rather than shipped to market by the seller; entry into the ewe and lamb raising business; grazing regulations on public lands (US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management); problems encountered in grazing both cattle and sheep on public lands; winter and summer sheep grazing locations in Idaho; discussion of types of wool and breeds; market niche of purchasing feeder lambs; decision to sell the ewe-lamb raising business; sheep industry life as a male dominated one; John's vision of the future of sheep raising; role of predators (especially coyotes) on the profitability of the sheep business; principle of "multiple use" of public lands; influence of environmental and recreational advocates on public land use policy; the development of Forest Service specialists; environmental degradation from overgrazing in the Wood River Valley, ID; the affect of trucking on land use and land degradation; and problems of sheep industry in the late 70s.
OH 0007 BRE
An interview with John Breckenridge
Breckenridge, John :1916-1996.
This oral history records important historical aspects of the central Idaho sheep industry. The Breckenridge family owned land in Twin Falls, ID, and in the Stanley Basin area of the Sawtooth National Forest and were well known in the sheep business. John discusses his memories of Ketchum in the 20s; sheep grazing in the Stanley Basin in the 30s; trucking sheep and lambs; the railroad; marketinge of lambs in Ogden, UT, or Denver; the development of "country buying" for which lambs were sold near the sheep ranch and then trucked to market by the buyer rather than shipped to market by the seller; entry into the ewe and lamb raising business; grazing regulations on public lands (US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management); problems encountered in grazing both cattle and sheep on public lands; winter and summer sheep grazing locations in Idaho; discussion of types of wool and breeds; market niche of purchasing feeder lambs; decision to sell the ewe-lamb raising business; sheep industry life as a male dominated one; John's vision of the future of sheep raising; role of predators (especially coyotes) on the profitability of the sheep business; principle of "multiple use" of public lands; influence of environmental and recreational advocates on public land use policy; the development of Forest Service specialists; environmental degradation from overgrazing in the Wood River Valley, ID; the affect of trucking on land use and land degradation; and problems of sheep industry in the late 70s.
OH 0007 BRE
Miriam Breckenridge Oral History
Breckenridge, Miriam 1915-1998.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents., Miriam Breckenridge was the originator of the oral history project at The Community Library in Ketchum. John Breckenridge, her husband, was a prominent sheepman operating between Twin Falls and The Sawtooth Valley, and she began by interviewing people who had been involved in the infancy of the sheep industry in Blaine County. This interview covers Miriam's memories of the sheep business and changes in the business through time as the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management placed restrictions on sheep grazing rights on public land and as over-grazing became a concern for government officials and environmentalists.]
OH 0064 BRE
An interview with Joe Burgy
Burgy, Joe 1912-1981.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. Transcribed by Maida Spaulding and Gloria roach, edited by Miriam breckenridge and Gloria roach., Struggles of the sheep business. 1946, reopening of Sun Valley Company after World War II. The making of movie "Sun Valley Serenade", ranching, Hagerman, Idaho, 1890 Homestead, Basque sheepherders, Basque language, Sam Unamuno, Hailey, McMonigle Ranch, Ketchum 1940 described, cowboys, East Fork of the Big Wood River, Johnny Walker, Cape Horn, Featherville, Pine, Bear Valley, Gooding, John Breckenridge, Big Smoky Mountains, Wells Hardware, dynamite, Triumph Mine, Deer Creek Ranch, Stanley Basin, Sawtooth Mountains, Magic Valley, Bruneau Desert, Snake River, U.S. Forest Service grazing alottment, Bureau of Land Management, regulations, wool, lambs, coyotes, St. Georg Hotel, pack horse, camp tender, fishing, gambling, Clarendon Hot Springs, Trinity Lakes, Pettit Lake, Redfish Lake, Alturas Lake, Alice Lake, Salmon River, South Boise River, U.S. Navy, James McDonald, Sandy Brooks, Brass Ranch, Trail Creek Summit, Sun Valley Lodge, Challenger Inn, skiing, golf course, Union Pacific, Chairlift, Sports Director, ski lift tickets, Omaha, Nebraska, Pat Rogers, hiring practices, Jackie Simpson, Hans Hauser, John Jones, Martin Curan, Brailsford, Jack Skillern, Decoration Day, Pearl Harbor, changes over the years, Baldy Mountain, skiers, Bill Janss, Wrm Springs, Elkhorn, real estate developers, environmentalism, Pittman-Robertson congressional Act, Senator Borah, Governor McCall.]
OH 0005 BUR
An interview with Joe Burgy
Burgy, Joe 1912-1981.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. Transcribed by Maida Spaulding and Gloria roach, edited by Miriam breckenridge and Gloria roach., Struggles of the sheep business. 1946, reopening of Sun Valley Company after World War II. The making of movie "Sun Valley Serenade", ranching, Hagerman, Idaho, 1890 Homestead, Basque sheepherders, Basque language, Sam Unamuno, Hailey, McMonigle Ranch, Ketchum 1940 described, cowboys, East Fork of the Big Wood River, Johnny Walker, Cape Horn, Featherville, Pine, Bear Valley, Gooding, John Breckenridge, Big Smoky Mountains, Wells Hardware, dynamite, Triumph Mine, Deer Creek Ranch, Stanley Basin, Sawtooth Mountains, Magic Valley, Bruneau Desert, Snake River, U.S. Forest Service grazing alottment, Bureau of Land Management, regulations, wool, lambs, coyotes, St. Georg Hotel, pack horse, camp tender, fishing, gambling, Clarendon Hot Springs, Trinity Lakes, Pettit Lake, Redfish Lake, Alturas Lake, Alice Lake, Salmon River, South Boise River, U.S. Navy, James McDonald, Sandy Brooks, Brass Ranch, Trail Creek Summit, Sun Valley Lodge, Challenger Inn, skiing, golf course, Union Pacific, Chairlift, Sports Director, ski lift tickets, Omaha, Nebraska, Pat Rogers, hiring practices, Jackie Simpson, Hans Hauser, John Jones, Martin Curan, Brailsford, Jack Skillern, Decoration Day, Pearl Harbor, changes over the years, Baldy Mountain, skiers, Bill Janss, Wrm Springs, Elkhorn, real estate developers, environmentalism, Pittman-Robertson congressional Act, Senator Borah, Governor McCall.]
OH 0005 BUR
Edith Ellis Hyde Oral History as narrated by Dorothy Thomas.
Edith Ellis Hyde 1906-1990.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This interview was conducted by Dorothy Thomas; transcribed by Ginger Poitter; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Spiegel., Edith was a true pioneer and loved Ketchum. She lived in the Wood River Valley until her death. She spent most of her life caretaking for differnt family members but her tale is remarkable and filled with medical challanges that were prominent during those times. Topics of discussion include: immigration to the US from England, memories of her father's work on the railroad, an accident where his leg was crushed, and moving to Ketchum from Richfield; discussion of learning the piano and later giving piano lessons; discussion of her marriage and later the death of her husband; working for Sun Valley resort and later working at the Gold Mine., Transcription index reads as follows: 1912 2; 1935 50; 1944 50; 1952 30; 1971 37; 1974 37; Alzheimer's disease 47-48; appendicitis 26, 46; artritis 28; Bald Mountain 25; Barry, Agnes 18; Bell, ned 30; Beloit, Kansas 23; Blackfoot, ID 48; Boise, ID 21, 37, 51; Bragg, Paul 25; Brass Ranch 27; Brown, Mary Lemon 37; Burns' Ranch 4; Butte, MT 21; Canada 16; Carey, ID 20; Cheyenne, Wyoming 3; Chicago World's Fair 23; Christmas 9; Civilian Conservation Corp 22, 23; Community Library Association Board of Directors 32, 35; Community Library Librarian 33-34; Competency Hearings 49; Cox, Mrs. 37, 38; dances 22; Day, Dr. Ivan 29, 51; Denver, CO 3, 4; Ellis, Albert William (Bill) 11, 12, 13-14, 16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 46-47; Ellis, Edith May 1-2, 5, 8-9, 11-13, 14-17, 30, 37-38, 43-47; Ellis family 1; Ellis home 14, 39; Ellis Island 3; Ellis, Thomas James 1-2, 4-8, 9-10, 15, 21, 23, 24, 45-46; employment, janitorial 5; employment, ranching 4; flu 26; Fowler family 19; Freddie's Restaurant 14; Galena Summit 22; Gillespie, Mr. 52; Gold Mine 31, 32-37, 38; Greeks 7; Griffith Grocery 27; Griffith, Mrs. 18; Hadley, Father 45; Hailey Hospital 27, 46; Hailey, ID 12, 19, 20, 27, 37, 42, 52; heart condition 29; hoghway crew 22; Hill City, ID 5; HMS Majestic 2; HMS Titanic 2; Huey, Charlie 44; Hyde, Anna 22, 25, 28-29, 30, 43, 44, 47-53; Hyde home 50; Hyde, Nell 28, 50; Hyde, Patrick 23, 48; Hyde, William (Willie) 22, 28-29, 51; hysterectomy 38; Idaho Falls, ID 37; Irish 16; Italian 17; Jacobs, George 33; Jacobs, Grace 32, 33; Janss Corporation 31; Janss, William 31; Ketchum, ID 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 40, 41; Knott, Mr. 17; Knott, Mrs. 17, 19; Landenburger, Dr. 7; Lane, Jeanne 32, 33; Le Bailey, family 10; Le Bailey, Mr. 9; Legion Loonies 42; Lewis, Kathrine (Mrs. Horace, Aunt Kate) 29; Lloyd, Arthur 1; Lloyds of London 1; Lombardina family 16; London, England 1, 2, 3; Magic Reservoir 2, 5; Mallory, Martyn 18; Mallory, William 18; May family 2, 7, 9, 15; McFall Hotel 4; McGonigle, Nita Le Bailey 20; medicine 6-9, 11-12, 27-28, 29-30; music 13-15, 17-21; nervous breakdown 14; North Fork 40; Ogden, UT 52; "One Man's Family" radio show 26; Parks family 16; penicillin 26; Picabo, ID 20; pneumonia 10, 51; Pocatello, ID 6-9; property value 39-40; railroad 3; railroad accident 5-9; railroad, speeder 5-6; recreation, fishing 15; recreation, walking 15; Reid family 18; Richfield, ID 2, 4-5, 6, 9, 16; Salt Lake City, UT 7; Sanger, Norma 20; school pagent 13-15; school 13, 17; Sexton, Mr. 27; shelfont, Betty 35-36; Shirley, England 1; Shoshone, ID 10, 12; snow 15, 25; Social security 30, 31, 32; South Dakota 2, 9, 15; spinal meningitis 10-13, 29; Spokane, WA 23, 24; St. Michael's Cathedral, Boise, ID 23; Stapleton, Pearl 20; Su Casa restaurant 14; sulfa drugs 26; Sun Valley, ID 30-31, 40, 42, 52; U. S. Forest Service 22, 25; ulcers 52; Union Pacific Railroad 7, 8, 9, 30, 31; United States of America 2; Venable, george 25; Venable, George 25; Venable, Mrs. (Frances, Mother V) 18, 19; warm Springs 22; whales 3; Womack, Charlie 18; Worls war II 46; Wright, Dr. 27-28.]
OH 0038 HYD
Oral History of Edith Ellis Hyde
Edith Ellis Hyde 1905-1990.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Dorothy Thomas; transcribed by Carol Karlig; and edited by Ginger Piotter, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This interview consists of going through a photo albumn and naming the people in the photos. The photos are not included in the Oral History although there is some good information on differnt restaurants in the early days of Sun Valley and some local stories. Topics of discussion include: Senator Rockwell and his wife; the Venable family; 4th of July parade 1924; ketchum hotels; Christmas pagents and various theatricals; Prohibition; school; winter employment; Ketchum Kamp Hotel; ringing the bells at the New Year; the Wilson family; Ketchum Drug Store; emmigration to the US; life in England as a child; Grandfather Ellis; Grandfather May; Edith's mother's career., transcription index reads as follows: 1872 50; 1873 51; 1900 52, 54; 1901 52; 1912 48; 1914 32; 1916 32; 1917 34; 1918 34; 1920 5; 1927 5; 1928 5; 1929 5, 23, 25; 1930 18; 1933 49, 50; 1937 12; 1939 43; 1940 10; 1952 16; 1954 6, 7, 10; 1971 52; Arizona 4; Atkinson's Market 41; Auxier, Paul 47; avalanche 16; Baker, Oregon 38; Bald Mountain Hot Springs 25, 26, 27; Bald Mountain 35; Barry, Agnes 3-4, 6, 7, 18, 19; Barry home 19; Barry, John 4, 19; Barry, Mr. 4, 18, 20; Barry, Muzzie 1, 4-5, 18; Barry, William (Bill) 4, 8, 19; Battis, Gloria 46; Bellevue, ID 2; Blaine County, ID 35; Blankenship, Mr. 1; Blankenship, Mrs. 1; Blue Hungarian Band 54; Boise, ID 23, 28, 35, 37, 38, 49; Boise Statesman 23; Bonning, Clarence 8; Bonning home 3; Bonning, Kate 3; bootleggers 32; Brandt, David 25-27; Brandt, Dorothy 26; Brass, Mr. and Mrs. 22; Bristol Hotel 38; Broadhead, Mrs. 21; Buhl, ID 26; Bunn, Mr. and Mrs. 22; California 5, 6, 10, 18; Carey, ID 14, 15, 17; Carshalton, England 52; Casino Club 40; Catholic Church 22; Checkerboard Cafe 26; Christmas 16, 28, 29-31; Cincinnati, OH 42; Clausen, Mr. 18; Clausen, Nell Barry 3-4, 6, 7, 18; Clements, Ruth Helen 28; Coon farm 54-56, 58; Depression 26; Dollar Mountain 3; Draeger, Dorothy Werry 1, 2, 8, 15; Draeger, Jack 7-8, 13; Draeger, Mrs. jack 13; Draeger, Sid 7; drinking 23, 32-33; Ebby, Elmer 40; Ellis, Albert William 38, 49, 52, 55, 56; Ellis, Edith May 4, 35, 51, 52-58; Ellis, Grandparents 56-57; Ellis, Thomas James 23, 50, 53-56; employment 37-39; employment, bank 21; employment, bus lines 24; employment, carpentry 37, 38; employment, domestic service 54-60; employment, mining 37; employment, railroad 34, 49, 50; employment, sheep ranching 38; employment, surveyor 21; England 51-52; entertainment 22-25, 27, 31-33, 40; Fairman, Esther 19; Falk's Store 37; fashion 15; Fegan, Lela 14; "Four Beautiful Black Sisters" 13; Friedman, Lucille 14; Galena, ID 19; Giacobbi Square 41; Gillette, Mr. 8; Glen, Olie 41; "Girl of the Limberlost" 36; Gooding home 10; Griffith, Leora 20; Griffith, Albert 44; Griffith Grocery 37; Griffith, Helen 44; Griffith home 19; Griffith, Mrs. 44; Griffith, Oscar 8, 37, 38, 44; Guyer Hot Springs Hotel 26, 33; H. M. S. Majestic 48; H. M. S. Titanic 48; Hailey, ID 19, 26, 28, 35; Haines, Robert (Bob) 23; Harriman, W. Averrell 27; Hazelmere, England 52; Hegstrom, Bud 47; Heiss 19; helm, Chuck 24-25; Helm, Mrs. Charles 25; Howe, Mr. 33; Irish 22; Italy 22; J. C. Penny Stores 26; July Fourth 1924 22, 25; "Just david" 36; karse, Johnny 30; Kensington Park 59; Ketchum Corners 26; Ketchum Drug Store 46-48; Ketchum Fire Department 45; Ketchum, ID 6, 19, 20, 25, 52; Ketchum King Katies Klub 22; Ketchum OSL Depot 16; Ketchum Post Office 19, 24; Ketchum School House 41; Knott, Mr. 29; La Bailey family 48; Lewis Dairy 21; Lewis Fast Freight 21; Lewis, george 21; Lewis, Horace 20-21; Lewis, Isaac I. 21; Lewis, Katherine Barry (Aunt Kate) 3-4, 7, 18, 20-21; 22; Lewis, Mrs. Horace (first wife) 20; Lewis Toll Road 21; Lloyd, Mrs. 55-56; Lloyd, Herbert 53-54; Lloyds of London 53, 56; London, England 53, 59; Lord Eldon 56; Louie's Pizza 41; Magic Lantern Movie Theatre 25; May Grandparents 57-58; McClaw Hotel 49; McCoy home 17; McNiel family 44; Mendiola family 32; moonshine 32; Mormon 22; Mueller, Tony 19; music 24-25, 28, 33; New Year's Eve 41; Nighthawks 24; North Star Mines 32-33; Oaks Cottage 56; Odd Fellows Hall 25, 27; ore wagons 21-24; Parks, Joseph 8; Pecos Pete's 42; Philadelphia Smelter 17, 36; Picabo, ID 34; Preston, ID 50; Price, Esther 36; Price, Jim 36; Prohibition 32-33; Queen Victoria 52, 53; radio 33; Redfish Lake 27; Richfield, ID 48; River Run 24; Rockwell home 15; Rockwell, Lallah Rookh 1, 12; Rockwell, Senator I. E. 1, 12-13, 14; rotary snowplow 34; Rummell, Mr. 42-43; Saint George Hotel 26; saloons 32; San Francisco, CA 11, 37; Sanders, Sam 23, 24; Santa Claus 29, 30; Sawtooth City, ID 19; Sawtooth Mountains 19; Schaffgotch, Count Felix 27; school 29, 34-35, 57; Seattle, WA 4, 5, 18; Sexton, Al 9; Shirley, England 50; Shoshone, ID 26, 49; skiing and skiers 14, 35-36; Slavey's 46; snow 9, 16, 34; Southhampton, England 48; St. Thomas Episcopal Church 49; Sun Valley, ID 11, 24-25, 44, 47, 52; Sun Valley Lodge 11; Sun Valley Rodeo 11, 24; Taylor, Dorice 42; Taylor, Phez 42; telegraph 34; Trail Creek 3; Triumph, ID 32; Turnbull, Dorothy 7; Turnbull home 14; Twin Falls, ID 4, 18, 24-25; U. S. Naval Hospital 47; Union Pacific Railroad 39, 51; United States of America 54; Venable, Althea 1, 6-7, 9, 16, 46; Venable, Billy Sid 2; Venable, Charles 2, 8; Venable family 1-10, 18, 23; Venable, Francis Barry (Mother V) 3-4, 5, 7, 17, 18, 21; Venable, Frank 2, 6, 8, 38-39; Venable, George 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 46; Venable home 3, 6-7, 9, 10, 14, 17; Venable, Margaret 47; Venable, Sid 2-3, 21; Veteran's Hospital 44; Wallace, ID 13; Wami, Mrs. 31; Warm Springs 41; Western Cafe 25; Wilson home 44-45; Wilson, Norman 38, 45; Wilson, Grandmother 36; Windom Creek 8; Winkworth, Mr. 58; Winkworth, Mrs. 58; Womack, Charles 28; Wood River 41; World War I 33; Wright, Mrs. 26, 27.]
OH 0041 HYD
Oral History of Edith Ellis Hyde
Edith Ellis Hyde 1905-1990.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Deanne Thompson; transcribed by jean Swartling; and edited by Chris Millspaugh., This brief interview concerns Edith's memory of a train engine derailment circa 1925 near Warm Springs where the engine came off the track and part way into the river.]
OH 0112 HYD
An interview with Bud Purdy
Purdy, Leonard N., 1918-2014
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history was edited by Miram breckenridge, Judy Johnson, Sandra Hofferber, Shirley Huckins, and Clara Spiegal; transcribed by Bill Robertson., Bud (Leonard) Purdy talks about the problems of sheep ranching and his ranch in Picabo and eventual breakup of the Kilpatrick Brothers Company; discussion of the travels and land purchasing strategy of the Kilpatrick family from circa 1880; discussion of Kilpatrick involvement with railroad construction; discussion of sheep business and sheep herders; discussion of ice cutting business; discussion of range lambing versus shed lambing; discussion of public lands management practices; stories of wild times in sheep business., Transcribed index reads as follows: 1849 3; 1863 3; 1870 4; 1877 1, 2; 1881 1, 2; 1882 1, 2, 5; 1883 1, 6, 8; 1889 1, 6; 1898 6; 1900 15; 1910 24; 1914 9; 1915 15; 1917 23; 1920 23; 1932 31; 1936 33; 1938 15, 33; 1939 15; 1940 16, 24, 30; 1944 16; 1949 35, 36; 1950 16, 20, 24; 1951 16, 35-37; 1955 6, 17; 1958 19; 1960 19, 24; 1970 25; Africa 17, 18; Albrethsen, Martin; Arco desert 33-34; Arco, ID 34-36; Arkoosh, Mr. 12; Aston family 14; Bacon, Clyde 13, 22, 31; Bacon, Robert (Bob) 22; Basque 13-14, 19; Baetrice, NE 3; Bellevue, ID 5, 6, 21; Big Butte 33; Bigwood 11; Black Hills, SD 4; Blaine County, ID 6; blizzard 33-37; Bradley Hill 5; Breckenridge, John 22; Breckenridge, L. L. (Father Breck) 14; Brett family 1; Brigham Point 35; Bureau of land Management, grazing 25-29; Buttram, Hatch 31; Buttram, Rube 31-33; Campbell, Everett; Carey, ID 13, 14; Carlin, Henry 31-34; Carter family 14; cattle 18, 21, 23; Challis Forest 13; Chess family 13; Chinese 5; Cove Creek 1, 12, 32; desert 15; desert entry 1, 6; Dry Creek 9; East Fork of the Wood River 10, 11, 18, 31; Faulkner family 11, 20; Fish Creek 11, 13, 18; Flat Top Sheep Company 20; Forest reserve 10; Fowler, William (Bill) 31; Fox, Dr. Earl 12; Freeman Homestead National Monument 3; Gage County, NE 6; Gannett, ID 7-8; Gooding family 1, 9-10; Gooding, Edward 10; Gooding, ID 2; Gooding, Thomas 10; Gray, Johnny 13; Gross Drugstore 5; gun play 5, 29-30, 32-33; Hailey, ID 11-12, 32; hogs 3, 23; holidays 33; Homestead Act 3; Huff Creek 13, 35; ice cutting 15; Idaho dept. of Fish and Game 26; Illinois 3; Indian Creek Ranch 31-33; Johnson, Lawrence 34; Ketchum Livestock Association 9-12; Ketchum, ID 12; Kilpatrick Brothers 1-2, 6, 91-2, 16-17; Kilpatrick Commissary 5; Kilpatrick Store 5; Kilpatrick, Mrs. W. H. 4; Kilpatrick, R. J. 1; Kilpatrick, S. D> 1; Kilpatrick, W. H. 1, 5, 6-8, 16; Laidlaw park 13; land management, fencing 26; land management, reduction 20, 25, 27-29; land amanagement, rest-rotation 27; land management, seeding 25, 26; lane, jack 11; lava lake ranch 13, 18, 21; Lessenby, Mr. 1; Little Wood River 12, 13; Little, David 28; Mackay, ID 34, 36; Magic Reservoir 12; Masseur, Leo 34; McLaughlin, Mr. 2; Mexicans 5, 13-14; Millington, Pat 2; Moyne, Harry 22; Multiple Use principle 22; Multiple Use principle, recreation 24-28; Newcastle, Wyoming 4; Northern Pacific Railroad 4; Ogden, UT 4; Oregon 6; Oregon Shortline Railroad 4; Palmer family 13; Payne Brothers 1, 2; Picabo store 7, 13, 15, 22, 23, 34-36; predators, poisin 19; Public Lands 24-29; Purdy, Paul 17-19; Purdy, Ruth 8, 9; Quigly Gulch 11-12, 31; railroad 15, 16; railroad roundhouse 4; road contracting 3, 7, 8; Rushneck, Joseph (Joe) 13; Sawtooth Grazing Association 11; Schmel, Mr. 2; Scotts 13-14, 31; sheep herders 13-14, 19-20, 29, 34; sheep, range lambing 22; sheep, shearing 15; sheep, shed lambing 13, 14, 21-22, 30, 36; sheep, transportation 32; Sherbine family 19; Sherbine, Astor 20; Shoshone, ID 2, 4-6; smallpox epidemic 9; Stanley, ID 9; Struthers, Margaret 18, 19; tax law 18; Tennessee 13; Teren, Teddy 12; Texas 22; Tikura, ID 1; U. S. Forest Service 11, 20, 24-25, 27-28; U. S. National Forest 24; Union Pacific Railroad 4; water rights 1-2; water rights, drains 1-2; water rights, rathole 2; wilderness 26; Wildhorse Canyon 13, 35; Wilson, J. H. 6; Wood River 32., Water rights 1883. Idaho,; Picabo; Ice manufacture 1950s. Railroad; Sheep 1938-1955. Idaho; Picabo]
OH 0008 PUR
Carol and Robert Elliott Oral History:
Elliott, Robert, 1920-,
[The Oral History Collection cThis oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth; and edited by Ginger Piotter, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This history takes us into the process of wool development from grading the wool, trucking the wool, profit margins and the wool market. Discussion of the following topics: how wool becomes cloth; labor issue in wool market; bale packers; at the wool warehouse; profit margins in the wool trade; the wool market; the Elliot family in the wol business; synthetic fibers versus wool; changes and innovations in the wool market; international influences on the wool market; buying Frank Gigalard's wool; the wool crash of 1951; family life of a wool buyer; the future of wool.]
OH 0016 ELL
Carol and Robert Elliott Oral History:
Elliott, Robert, 1920-,
[The Oral History Collection cThis oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth; and edited by Ginger Piotter, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This history takes us into the process of wool development from grading the wool, trucking the wool, profit margins and the wool market. Discussion of the following topics: how wool becomes cloth; labor issue in wool market; bale packers; at the wool warehouse; profit margins in the wool trade; the wool market; the Elliot family in the wol business; synthetic fibers versus wool; changes and innovations in the wool market; international influences on the wool market; buying Frank Gigalard's wool; the wool crash of 1951; family life of a wool buyer; the future of wool.]
OH 0016 ELL
An interview with Victor Otazua
Otazua, Victor, 1934-
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; and edited by Miriam Breckenridge, Judy Johnson, Sandra Hofferber, Shirley Huckins, and Clara Spiegel; and transcribed by Claudia Walsworth., This Oral History tells about the Basques coming to Idaho and why they came and why they stayed and their customs and how they tended the sheep. Topics of discussion include: coming to America from the old country; learning the sheep herding trade; the Basque influx; why the basques became sheep herders; sheep predators; sheep camp; social life of sheep herders; changing Spanish political and economic conditions; Basques and music; Basque food; Basque Christmas; Basque games; the decline of the sheep business; shearing sheep; and hualing water to shhep on the range., Transcription index reads as follows: 1890 12; 1940 7; 1948 7-8; 1951 2, 7, 8, 10, 22, 27; 1954 10; 1956 22; 1957 23; 1959 53; 1960 22, 24, 26, 53; 1963 24; 1968 24; Arco, ID 23; Australia 11; Basque 1-2, 6-14, 25-26, 28-43; Basque, dances 28, 31-32; Basque, food 3-4, 32-36; Basque, games 39-42; Basque, music 28-32, 42-43; Blair, James (Jim) 22; Breckenridge, JKatherine (Katy) 34; Bureau of Land Management 46-47; California 8, 23, 34; Castleford, ID 45; Cavenaugh 45; Christmas 36-37; desert 5, 6, 20, 50; Easter 36; employment, dairy 3, 33-34; employment, mill work 27; employment, farming 2; Episcopal Church 37; France 11, 44; Fresno, CA 12; Gondiaga 45; Hagerman, ID 45; Hanson, Ray 45; hauling hay 22; hauling water 52-53; horses 4, 17; Idaho State Fish and Game 16; Idaho 1, 8, 44-45; Kentucky 48; L. L. Breckenridge Company 22, 23, 38, 43, 46; Little, James (Jim) 23; Lombard, Ernest 45; Lyons 45; Mahan, John (JOhnny) 45; monetary exchange rate 26; Morris 45; Morrison 45; Nevada 8, Noh, Laird 45; Ornapa 45; Otazua, Ambrosio 9, 27; Otazua, John 2; Otazua, Paul 2, 5, 9, 10; pack string 17; Pagera 51; Philips 45; poisin 15-16; predators, 15-17; predators, bear 15; predators, dogs 48-49; predators, cats 15; predators, coyote 15, 46-47; Pyrenees Mountains, Spain 44; Rock Springs, Wyoming 5, 14; Roman Catholic Church 37-39; Rupert, ID 2; Speep, camp 17-21; sheep, herding 4-7, 13-15; sheep, lambing 21-22, 43; sheep, rock monuments 6; sheep, shearing 50-52; Shoshone, ID 23, 45; Smith, Sidney (Sid) 23; Snake River canyon, ID 29-30; Three King's Day 37; U. S. Forest Service 46-47; U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 16; Venezuela 11; Waite 51, wildlife, deer 18; wildlife, elk.]
OH 0014 OTA
An interview with Victor Otazua
Otazua, Victor, 1934-
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; and edited by Miriam Breckenridge, Judy Johnson, Sandra Hofferber, Shirley Huckins, and Clara Spiegel; and transcribed by Claudia Walsworth., This Oral History tells about the Basques coming to Idaho and why they came and why they stayed and their customs and how they tended the sheep. Topics of discussion include: coming to America from the old country; learning the sheep herding trade; the Basque influx; why the basques became sheep herders; sheep predators; sheep camp; social life of sheep herders; changing Spanish political and economic conditions; Basques and music; Basque food; Basque Christmas; Basque games; the decline of the sheep business; shearing sheep; and hualing water to shhep on the range., Transcription index reads as follows: 1890 12; 1940 7; 1948 7-8; 1951 2, 7, 8, 10, 22, 27; 1954 10; 1956 22; 1957 23; 1959 53; 1960 22, 24, 26, 53; 1963 24; 1968 24; Arco, ID 23; Australia 11; Basque 1-2, 6-14, 25-26, 28-43; Basque, dances 28, 31-32; Basque, food 3-4, 32-36; Basque, games 39-42; Basque, music 28-32, 42-43; Blair, James (Jim) 22; Breckenridge, JKatherine (Katy) 34; Bureau of Land Management 46-47; California 8, 23, 34; Castleford, ID 45; Cavenaugh 45; Christmas 36-37; desert 5, 6, 20, 50; Easter 36; employment, dairy 3, 33-34; employment, mill work 27; employment, farming 2; Episcopal Church 37; France 11, 44; Fresno, CA 12; Gondiaga 45; Hagerman, ID 45; Hanson, Ray 45; hauling hay 22; hauling water 52-53; horses 4, 17; Idaho State Fish and Game 16; Idaho 1, 8, 44-45; Kentucky 48; L. L. Breckenridge Company 22, 23, 38, 43, 46; Little, James (Jim) 23; Lombard, Ernest 45; Lyons 45; Mahan, John (JOhnny) 45; monetary exchange rate 26; Morris 45; Morrison 45; Nevada 8, Noh, Laird 45; Ornapa 45; Otazua, Ambrosio 9, 27; Otazua, John 2; Otazua, Paul 2, 5, 9, 10; pack string 17; Pagera 51; Philips 45; poisin 15-16; predators, 15-17; predators, bear 15; predators, dogs 48-49; predators, cats 15; predators, coyote 15, 46-47; Pyrenees Mountains, Spain 44; Rock Springs, Wyoming 5, 14; Roman Catholic Church 37-39; Rupert, ID 2; Speep, camp 17-21; sheep, herding 4-7, 13-15; sheep, lambing 21-22, 43; sheep, rock monuments 6; sheep, shearing 50-52; Shoshone, ID 23, 45; Smith, Sidney (Sid) 23; Snake River canyon, ID 29-30; Three King's Day 37; U. S. Forest Service 46-47; U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 16; Venezuela 11; Waite 51, wildlife, deer 18; wildlife, elk.]
OH 0014 OTA
An interview with James Sandy Laidlaw, Jr.
Laidlaw, James, Jr.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This Oral History is the first oral history in the series maintained by the Regional History Department of the Community Library and was conducted by Marian Breckenridge, who interviewed James "Sandy" Laidlaw in the winter of 1977; the oral history was edited by Miram Breckenridge and Judith G. Johnson, and transcribed by Bill Robertson and Claudia Walsworth., Discussion of the beginning of sheep ranching in southern Idaho; discussion of open grazing land and winter and summer pastures; passing mention of hostility between cattle ranchers and sheep ranchers; discussion of the problem of maintaining the sheep herding homstead while sending the wife and kids to a city or town for much of the year on account of schooling; discussion of having to haul water for the sheep during the occassional drought; selling lambs at the end of the season as "fat lambs"; raising Panama sheep and brief discussion of cross breeding Suffolk and other breeds of sheep; mention of Jack Lane, and Ed and Tom Gooding, and Martin Curran; discussion concerning wether Ketchum or Hill City was the largest shipping piont for sheep in the US (Ketchum was before the development of Hill City); discussion of shipping sheep by rail and the requirement to off-load the sheep every 36 hours for feeding and watering; discussion of travel to sheep destination points of Omaha, NE or Kirkland, Ill near Chicago; discussion of trucking outfits taking over the sheep shipping business from the railroads and shipping directly from the ranch to markets in Ogden or Twin Falls; discussion about eating old ewes and saving the lambs for market; discussion of 4th of July celebrations and fall sagehen hunting at his father's ranch; discussion of Mrs. Yurian and Mary Peavey Brooks as the only women in the sheep business at the time; discussion of the sale of Flat Top Sheep Company to the Peaveys; discussion of old-time sheep ranchers not making provision for inheritance law; discussion of poplar trees as wind breaks and the need for regular trimming of the poplars; discussion of live-stock raisers worrying more about weather than market conditions; discussion of a historical pamphlet Sandy Laidlaw had prepared and the somewhat negative response he received from some locals., The OH transcript is indexed as follows: Bell, Bob, 21; Bellevue, 12, 18; Breckenridge, John, 4, 19-20; Breckenridge, L.L., 19, 23; Brockie, Robert, 2; Brooks, Mary Peavey, 21-23; Bureau of land management (BLM), 3, 6-7, 23, 29; Burks, Dennis, 21-22; Carey, 12, 17; Cattle, 1, 22, 27; Commission Men, 14, 20; Curran, Martin, 10, 16; Darrah, Ben, 9; Family Life, 3-4, 16-18; Farming, 1, 18; Flat Top Sheep Compant, 8, 21-23; Forest service, 3, 23, 29; Gooding, Frank, 3; Hailey, 12; Hill City, 11-12; Holidays, 16; Ketchum, 11; Laidlaw, Florence, 6, 9; Laidlaw, Fred, 7, 23, 32-33; Laidlaw, James, Sr., 2-4, 8-10, 12, 15-17, 22-25, 29; Lane, Jack, 9; Muldoon, 8, 19, 22; Newman, Grover, 31; Peavey, John, 22; Pettit Lake, 22; Picabo, 12; Railroad, 11-14, 16; Roundey, Ken, 26-27; Rupert, 17; Schools, 4-5; Scotland, 2, 19; Sheep breeding, 8-10; Sheep grazing, 3, 6-7; Sheep history, 3; Sheep shearing, 4, Sheep shipping, 10-16, 18, 20, 28; Trees, 27; Twin Falls, 3, 25-26; Twombley, Gertrude, 32; Weather, 28-29; Wool, 7-8; Yurian, Mrs., 21.]
OH 0001 LAI
An interview with James Sandy Laidlaw, Jr.
Laidlaw, James, Jr.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This Oral History is the first oral history in the series maintained by the Regional History Department of the Community Library and was conducted by Marian Breckenridge, who interviewed James "Sandy" Laidlaw in the winter of 1977; the oral history was edited by Miram Breckenridge and Judith G. Johnson, and transcribed by Bill Robertson and Claudia Walsworth., Discussion of the beginning of sheep ranching in southern Idaho; discussion of open grazing land and winter and summer pastures; passing mention of hostility between cattle ranchers and sheep ranchers; discussion of the problem of maintaining the sheep herding homstead while sending the wife and kids to a city or town for much of the year on account of schooling; discussion of having to haul water for the sheep during the occassional drought; selling lambs at the end of the season as "fat lambs"; raising Panama sheep and brief discussion of cross breeding Suffolk and other breeds of sheep; mention of Jack Lane, and Ed and Tom Gooding, and Martin Curran; discussion concerning wether Ketchum or Hill City was the largest shipping piont for sheep in the US (Ketchum was before the development of Hill City); discussion of shipping sheep by rail and the requirement to off-load the sheep every 36 hours for feeding and watering; discussion of travel to sheep destination points of Omaha, NE or Kirkland, Ill near Chicago; discussion of trucking outfits taking over the sheep shipping business from the railroads and shipping directly from the ranch to markets in Ogden or Twin Falls; discussion about eating old ewes and saving the lambs for market; discussion of 4th of July celebrations and fall sagehen hunting at his father's ranch; discussion of Mrs. Yurian and Mary Peavey Brooks as the only women in the sheep business at the time; discussion of the sale of Flat Top Sheep Company to the Peaveys; discussion of old-time sheep ranchers not making provision for inheritance law; discussion of poplar trees as wind breaks and the need for regular trimming of the poplars; discussion of live-stock raisers worrying more about weather than market conditions; discussion of a historical pamphlet Sandy Laidlaw had prepared and the somewhat negative response he received from some locals., The OH transcript is indexed as follows: Bell, Bob, 21; Bellevue, 12, 18; Breckenridge, John, 4, 19-20; Breckenridge, L.L., 19, 23; Brockie, Robert, 2; Brooks, Mary Peavey, 21-23; Bureau of land management (BLM), 3, 6-7, 23, 29; Burks, Dennis, 21-22; Carey, 12, 17; Cattle, 1, 22, 27; Commission Men, 14, 20; Curran, Martin, 10, 16; Darrah, Ben, 9; Family Life, 3-4, 16-18; Farming, 1, 18; Flat Top Sheep Compant, 8, 21-23; Forest service, 3, 23, 29; Gooding, Frank, 3; Hailey, 12; Hill City, 11-12; Holidays, 16; Ketchum, 11; Laidlaw, Florence, 6, 9; Laidlaw, Fred, 7, 23, 32-33; Laidlaw, James, Sr., 2-4, 8-10, 12, 15-17, 22-25, 29; Lane, Jack, 9; Muldoon, 8, 19, 22; Newman, Grover, 31; Peavey, John, 22; Pettit Lake, 22; Picabo, 12; Railroad, 11-14, 16; Roundey, Ken, 26-27; Rupert, 17; Schools, 4-5; Scotland, 2, 19; Sheep breeding, 8-10; Sheep grazing, 3, 6-7; Sheep history, 3; Sheep shearing, 4, Sheep shipping, 10-16, 18, 20, 28; Trees, 27; Twin Falls, 3, 25-26; Twombley, Gertrude, 32; Weather, 28-29; Wool, 7-8; Yurian, Mrs., 21.]
OH 0001 LAI
An interview with Lucille Friedman
Friedman, Lucille 1894-
[This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge in July 1977., Lucile Friedman discusses the Friedman family history; Lucile's father, Simon Moses Friedman and his cousin S. J. Friedman, who came to America together from Germany; her father's early work experiences with livestock and his arrival in the Hailey area with a band of sheep circa 1886; mention of Frank and Fred Gooding and other sheep ranchers; mention of her father's return to Germany to persuade her mother to marry and move to America; mentions Dot Allen, prostitution, and the Red Light District on River St. in Hailey, ID; father's decision to sell the sheepherding business and purchase a grocery store in Hailey, ID (originally the Williams and Walker Grocery); Guyer Hot Springs; horse riding; sage hens on the Camas Prairie; brief discussion of sheep herding/ranching lifestyle; mother contracting typhoid fever story; sheepherding familiies that camped in Hailey; discussion of Lucile's career teaching; the family purchase of the Hiawatha Hotel (formerly the Alturas Hotel); the eventual sale of the Hiawatha Hotel ca. 1945; Hailey Hot Springs resort; early Hailey businesses including Chinese businesses; discussion of Chinese presence in China Gardens, Hailey, ID, 1880s.; and Fox and Ensign families. Edited by Miram Breckenridge and Judith G. Johnson, transcribed by Maida Spaulding and Jane Chesley.]
OH 0002 FRI
An interview with Lucille Friedman
Friedman, Lucille 1894-
[This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge in July 1977., Lucile Friedman discusses the Friedman family history; Lucile's father, Simon Moses Friedman and his cousin S. J. Friedman, who came to America together from Germany; her father's early work experiences with livestock and his arrival in the Hailey area with a band of sheep circa 1886; mention of Frank and Fred Gooding and other sheep ranchers; mention of her father's return to Germany to persuade her mother to marry and move to America; mentions Dot Allen, prostitution, and the Red Light District on River St. in Hailey, ID; father's decision to sell the sheepherding business and purchase a grocery store in Hailey, ID (originally the Williams and Walker Grocery); Guyer Hot Springs; horse riding; sage hens on the Camas Prairie; brief discussion of sheep herding/ranching lifestyle; mother contracting typhoid fever story; sheepherding familiies that camped in Hailey; discussion of Lucile's career teaching; the family purchase of the Hiawatha Hotel (formerly the Alturas Hotel); the eventual sale of the Hiawatha Hotel ca. 1945; Hailey Hot Springs resort; early Hailey businesses including Chinese businesses; discussion of Chinese presence in China Gardens, Hailey, ID, 1880s.; and Fox and Ensign families. Edited by Miram Breckenridge and Judith G. Johnson, transcribed by Maida Spaulding and Jane Chesley.]
OH 0002 FRI
An interview with Lucille Friedman
Lucile Friedman 1900- .
This Oral history is delightful for capturing Hailey at the turn of the century.Lucile grew up in Hailey when the Mellon Family owned the townsite which was later incorporated and sold to John Hailey. She went swimming at The Hailey Hot Springs Hotel. She mentions how George Hearst owned the Triumph Mine .Her family had one of the first refrigerators in town. All the vegetables in winter came from Hagermann and how she would get a bananna for Christmas. Fruit was very rare in the winter. They made their own entertainment. The Indians came through every summer to collect the Camas bulb and hunt. They sold her father beautiful mocassins and beaded gloves. Topics of discussion included: Lucile's father's immigration to the US and move to Idaho; her father being mayor in Hailey; development of Indian springs as water source for Hailey; Hailey Hot Springs resort; memories of the Croesus mine; memories of ice delivery in the summer; basketball at the high school; Harold Mantle joining the national guard and going to fight Panch Villa in mexico and later becoming a Brigadier General; memories of high school education in Hailey; memories of Fourth Of July parade and riding in the "Liberty car" in the parade; Mr. Daft, the sampling works, and Mr. Daft's stories of area history; T. E. Picote; memories of native Americans passing through (and staying overnoght in Lucile's family's yard) Hailey in summer; memories of fights outside the local dances sometimes; discussion of family houses and businesses in early Hailey;
OH 0047 FRI
An interview with Lucille Friedman
Friedman, Lucile, 190?.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents., This exciting history has a little of everything. Great stories about the Chinese in Hailey and the close relationship the Friedmans family had with them. Tales of the Red light district, bootlegging, and gambling, gives one a great outlook on what it was like back then. The Friedman family had a general store in Hailey and Lucile worked at the Hiawatha Hotel. Topics of discussion include: the Hailey family; Chinese places along River Street in Hailey; Chinese launderers; growing vegetables in China Gardens area of Hailey; Chineese cooks and wood choppers in Hailey; Dot Allen and the River Street red light district; visitors to the Hiawatha Hotel during Prohibition and the jars of alcohol they brought with them that they called "fruit juice"; some stories of Lucile's family coming to the US; native Americans on the Friedman homestead in the early days; Lucile's father's store in Hailey; memories of T. E. Picotte in Hailey; mention of Dr. Fox.]
OH 0031 FRI
An interview with Lucille Friedman
Friedman, Lucile, 190?.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents., This exciting history has a little of everything. Great stories about the Chinese in Hailey and the close relationship the Friedmans family had with them. Tales of the Red light district, bootlegging, and gambling, gives one a great outlook on what it was like back then. The Friedman family had a general store in Hailey and Lucile worked at the Hiawatha Hotel. Topics of discussion include: the Hailey family; Chinese places along River Street in Hailey; Chinese launderers; growing vegetables in China Gardens area of Hailey; Chineese cooks and wood choppers in Hailey; Dot Allen and the River Street red light district; visitors to the Hiawatha Hotel during Prohibition and the jars of alcohol they brought with them that they called "fruit juice"; some stories of Lucile's family coming to the US; native Americans on the Friedman homestead in the early days; Lucile's father's store in Hailey; memories of T. E. Picotte in Hailey; mention of Dr. Fox.]
OH 0031 FRI
An interview with Clyde Bacon
Bacon, Clyde. 1911 - .
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth and Gloria Roach; and edited by Miriam breckenridge, Connie Grabow, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., Clyde came early to the Snake River Plains and lived there when they were just finding water and people used railroad lines to plow down the sagebrush. He used a Derrick Team to stack his hay before the 'swather' was invented. He raised turkeys and sheep.His pioneer spirit comes through in this Oral History about early sheep farming and farming in general. Topics of discussion include: the Bacon family, Clyde's father and grandfather in the sheep business; various properties in southern Idaho; the Reservoir ranch; Clyde bacon's introduction to sheep ranching; clearing the land at Reservoir Ranch; haying operations on Clyde's father's ranch; raising turkeys; more bacon family business; dividing the T. C. Bacon property; Ketchum and Sawtooth Basin area as sheep country; trucking and shipping lambs; trips to the lamb markets; making the sale at lamb markets; wool; the wool warehouse cooperative; the future of the sheep business., Snake River Plains]
OH 0017 BAC
An interview with Clyde Bacon
Bacon, Clyde. 1911 - .
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth and Gloria Roach; and edited by Miriam breckenridge, Connie Grabow, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., Clyde came early to the Snake River Plains and lived there when they were just finding water and people used railroad lines to plow down the sagebrush. He used a Derrick Team to stack his hay before the 'swather' was invented. He raised turkeys and sheep.His pioneer spirit comes through in this Oral History about early sheep farming and farming in general. Topics of discussion include: the Bacon family, Clyde's father and grandfather in the sheep business; various properties in southern Idaho; the Reservoir ranch; Clyde bacon's introduction to sheep ranching; clearing the land at Reservoir Ranch; haying operations on Clyde's father's ranch; raising turkeys; more bacon family business; dividing the T. C. Bacon property; Ketchum and Sawtooth Basin area as sheep country; trucking and shipping lambs; trips to the lamb markets; making the sale at lamb markets; wool; the wool warehouse cooperative; the future of the sheep business., Snake River Plains]
OH 0017 BAC
An interview with Myrle Robertson Bradshaw
Bradshaw, Myrle Robertson, 1913- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted ny Miriam breckenridge and was edited by Miriam Breckenridge, Sandra Hofferber, Connie Grabow, and Shirley Huckins; transcribed by Claudia walsworth., 1922-1930 were very bad years in the sheep business. The winter of 1924 was the worst as there was no hay or feed for the sheep. "C" Robertson was Myrle's father and started the Robertson-Thomas Sheep Co.after those bad years. Myrle talks about the role of women in the sheep business and the lonley life of the wives and mothers, with the husbands gone most of the time; includes discussion of Mrrle's father's background and arrival in Idaho; her gather's life and sheep business; and memories of the hot plunge at the Hiawatha Hotel in Hailey., transcription index reads as follows: 1898 35; 1900 3; 1910 4, 7, 18, 35; 1912 35; 1922 7, 8, 11, 17; 1924 9; 1929 7, 30; 1930 7, 8, 11, 17, 30; 1932 11; 1934 26; 1939 14; 1940 8, 14, 18, 30; Adams Gulch 2; Alaska 2; Andora, Spain 16; Atkinson, Charles (Chuck) 18; automobiles 7, 20; Barcelona, Spain 16; Basque 15, 20; Bellevue, ID 13, 19, 24, 25; Big Smokey 34; Bliss, ID 23; blizzard 9-10; Bradshaw, Douglas (Buzz) 4, 12, 14, 15-16, 19, 22, 26, 35; brands 8; Breckenridge, John 5, 13, 15, 30, 34; Breckenridge, L. L. 13, 14; Bruneau desert 9-10, 23; Burks, Dennis (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis II (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis III (Denny) 32; Carey, ID 13; cattle 4, 33; Calkworth, Mr. 19; Chicago, IL 5; Christmas 9-10; Church, Senator Frank 36; Clover Creek 23; dairy 3; Deer Creek 25; Denver, CO 5; Dunn, Charles (Chuck) 18; East Fork of the Wood River 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 34; England, 3; Feldenheusen family 13; Flat Top Sheep Company 31; Fourth of July 24-25; Friedman, leon 19; Friedman, Lucille 25; Galena Summit 4, 7; Gladiator Pass 4, 6; Gooding College 11; Gooding family 33; Gooding ranch 8; Gooding, Frank 2-3; Gooding, ID 3-5, 6, 8, 11, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35; Gooding, Mrs. Frank 3; Grandview, ID 9-10; 20; Gray, Cathrine 26; Hailey, ID 19, 24, 25, 27; Hiawatha Hot Springs Hotel 25-26; homesteading 3; honey business 12, 14; Horse Creek 4; horses 19-20; Hyndman Peak 13; Jerome, ID 17; Kentucky 23; Ketchum, ID 2, 23, 24; Ketchum Livestock Association 34; Kilpatrick Store 18; Klondike 2; labor day 11; land prices 13-14; Lewis, Horace 24; Little Wood River 18; McClure, Senator James 36; mining 2, 3, 24; Mississippi 2; Montana 5; Muldoon, ID 13, 17; Neilsen, Elmer 33; Nevada 8; Oregon 11; Painter, Theodore (The) 19; Peavey, Arthur (Art) 32; Peavey, Mary Thomas (Brooks) 17-18, 32; Picabo, ID 5, 24; Pyrenees Mountains 15-16; Robertson, John C. 2-3, 7-8, 9-12, 17-18, 20, 22, 29, 33, 35; Robertson, Jon. C., Jr. 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13-14, 19-20, 32; Robertson, Mabel Tibbs 6, 20, 26, 27-28; Robertson, William (Billy) 3, 8; Robertson/Thomas Sheep Company 7-11, 17-19, 28-30, 31; Safeway Grocery stores 4; Salmon River 4, 6, 8; San Francisco, CA 2; Sandpoint, ID 2; Shannon, Dr. 2; Sheep, business 4; sheep camp 16-17, 28-29; sheep shipping 5, 24, 35; sheep, trailing 4, 9, 35; sheep, trucking 11; Shoshone, ID 5, 35; Thomas, Dale 17, 29; Thomas family 28; Thomas, Frank 8; Thomas, Jack 8, 17-18, 31; Thomas, Mrs. Frank 28; Thomas, Mrs. Jack 28; Thomas, Senator 28, 32; Thomas, Tink 17-18; timber industry 2; taponis, ID 3; Touslouse, FR 16; Twin Falls, ID 26; U. S. Forest Service 35; University of California 2; Wendell, ID 33; West, James (Jim) 13; White Cloud Mountains 4, 34; Wood River 28.]
OH 0011 BRA
An interview with Myrle Robertson Bradshaw
Bradshaw, Myrle Robertson, 1913- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted ny Miriam breckenridge and was edited by Miriam Breckenridge, Sandra Hofferber, Connie Grabow, and Shirley Huckins; transcribed by Claudia walsworth., 1922-1930 were very bad years in the sheep business. The winter of 1924 was the worst as there was no hay or feed for the sheep. "C" Robertson was Myrle's father and started the Robertson-Thomas Sheep Co.after those bad years. Myrle talks about the role of women in the sheep business and the lonley life of the wives and mothers, with the husbands gone most of the time; includes discussion of Mrrle's father's background and arrival in Idaho; her gather's life and sheep business; and memories of the hot plunge at the Hiawatha Hotel in Hailey., transcription index reads as follows: 1898 35; 1900 3; 1910 4, 7, 18, 35; 1912 35; 1922 7, 8, 11, 17; 1924 9; 1929 7, 30; 1930 7, 8, 11, 17, 30; 1932 11; 1934 26; 1939 14; 1940 8, 14, 18, 30; Adams Gulch 2; Alaska 2; Andora, Spain 16; Atkinson, Charles (Chuck) 18; automobiles 7, 20; Barcelona, Spain 16; Basque 15, 20; Bellevue, ID 13, 19, 24, 25; Big Smokey 34; Bliss, ID 23; blizzard 9-10; Bradshaw, Douglas (Buzz) 4, 12, 14, 15-16, 19, 22, 26, 35; brands 8; Breckenridge, John 5, 13, 15, 30, 34; Breckenridge, L. L. 13, 14; Bruneau desert 9-10, 23; Burks, Dennis (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis II (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis III (Denny) 32; Carey, ID 13; cattle 4, 33; Calkworth, Mr. 19; Chicago, IL 5; Christmas 9-10; Church, Senator Frank 36; Clover Creek 23; dairy 3; Deer Creek 25; Denver, CO 5; Dunn, Charles (Chuck) 18; East Fork of the Wood River 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 34; England, 3; Feldenheusen family 13; Flat Top Sheep Company 31; Fourth of July 24-25; Friedman, leon 19; Friedman, Lucille 25; Galena Summit 4, 7; Gladiator Pass 4, 6; Gooding College 11; Gooding family 33; Gooding ranch 8; Gooding, Frank 2-3; Gooding, ID 3-5, 6, 8, 11, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35; Gooding, Mrs. Frank 3; Grandview, ID 9-10; 20; Gray, Cathrine 26; Hailey, ID 19, 24, 25, 27; Hiawatha Hot Springs Hotel 25-26; homesteading 3; honey business 12, 14; Horse Creek 4; horses 19-20; Hyndman Peak 13; Jerome, ID 17; Kentucky 23; Ketchum, ID 2, 23, 24; Ketchum Livestock Association 34; Kilpatrick Store 18; Klondike 2; labor day 11; land prices 13-14; Lewis, Horace 24; Little Wood River 18; McClure, Senator James 36; mining 2, 3, 24; Mississippi 2; Montana 5; Muldoon, ID 13, 17; Neilsen, Elmer 33; Nevada 8; Oregon 11; Painter, Theodore (The) 19; Peavey, Arthur (Art) 32; Peavey, Mary Thomas (Brooks) 17-18, 32; Picabo, ID 5, 24; Pyrenees Mountains 15-16; Robertson, John C. 2-3, 7-8, 9-12, 17-18, 20, 22, 29, 33, 35; Robertson, Jon. C., Jr. 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13-14, 19-20, 32; Robertson, Mabel Tibbs 6, 20, 26, 27-28; Robertson, William (Billy) 3, 8; Robertson/Thomas Sheep Company 7-11, 17-19, 28-30, 31; Safeway Grocery stores 4; Salmon River 4, 6, 8; San Francisco, CA 2; Sandpoint, ID 2; Shannon, Dr. 2; Sheep, business 4; sheep camp 16-17, 28-29; sheep shipping 5, 24, 35; sheep, trailing 4, 9, 35; sheep, trucking 11; Shoshone, ID 5, 35; Thomas, Dale 17, 29; Thomas family 28; Thomas, Frank 8; Thomas, Jack 8, 17-18, 31; Thomas, Mrs. Frank 28; Thomas, Mrs. Jack 28; Thomas, Senator 28, 32; Thomas, Tink 17-18; timber industry 2; taponis, ID 3; Touslouse, FR 16; Twin Falls, ID 26; U. S. Forest Service 35; University of California 2; Wendell, ID 33; West, James (Jim) 13; White Cloud Mountains 4, 34; Wood River 28.]
OH 0011 BRA
Description Notes
[Title from image., Possibly Yellowstone National Park., Waterfall.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Railroad bridge
Description Notes
[Title from image., East Fork of the Wood River., Oregon Short Line, railroad bridge, transportation, railroad.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Early residents
Description Notes
[Title from image., Possibly Martyn Mallory., Home., Hat, early residents.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Men and horses
Description Notes
[Title from image., Pack horses and five men, possible departure.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Farm hands in a grain field on Hiawatha Ranch.
Description Notes
[Title from image., Threshing in a grain field, Hiawatha Ranch., Eight unidentified farm workers., Farm machinery, hay stacks, agriculture.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Cattle grazing
Description Notes
[Title from image., Grazing., Cattle, agriculture.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
F. Young's sawmill
Description Notes
[Title from image., F. Young's Sawmill, North Fork., Buildings, horse team, lumber wagon, automobile, lumber, logs, smoke stack, transportation.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Hailey Dramatic Society
Description Notes
[Title from image., Hailey Dramatic Society., Eleven unidentified young men., Studio photo.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Men cooking
Description Notes
[Title from image., Cooking., Five unidentified men., Log cabin.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Shepherding in Muldoon, ID
Description Notes
[Title from image., Sixteen coke ovens, building, horse-drawn wagons, horses, sheep agriculture, transportation.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Mabel Mallory home
Description Notes
[Title from image., Mabel Mallory Horne in winter., Early residents.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936
Railroad depot
Description Notes
[Title from image., Crowd scene., Hailey, ID, Railroad Depot., Train car, Gibson home, railroad.]
Creator Individual
Mallory, Martyn. 1880-1936