Browse All : Images by Newman, Julian 1910- , from 1978.
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Julian Newman Oral History:
Newman, Julian 1910- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth; and edited by Connie Grabow, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This Oral history is wonderful in describing Ketchum in the 1920's and the people who lived there. It also covers a lot of history of early sheep farming including the beginning of the Forest Service and the first allotments given to the sheep men. It covers in detail the process of getting the sheep on the Ketchum train with the use of goats. It describes where differnt buildings were located including Jack Lane's store. Topics of discussion include: history of the Newman sheep business; sheep herders; annual migration of the Newman family; Ketchum Livestock Association; sheep shipping day; attitudes toward sheep men; forest reserve; the road over Galena Summit; social interaction; predators and the elimination of jack rabbits; stray pickers; pioneer hospitality; characters and families from early Ketchum; Price Newman's innovations in sheep business; summers in Ketchum; Ketchum after the silver mining bust; entertainment in Ketchum; automobiles of the era; Jack Lane's Mercantile; Jerias Lewis; the Fanny Club; Basque food and cooking; lambing crews; trailing sheep to grazing; uncle Billy Newman.]
OH 0018 NEW
Julian Newman Oral History:
Newman, Julian 1910- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Miriam Breckenridge; transcribed by Claudia Walsworth; and edited by Connie Grabow, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This Oral history is wonderful in describing Ketchum in the 1920's and the people who lived there. It also covers a lot of history of early sheep farming including the beginning of the Forest Service and the first allotments given to the sheep men. It covers in detail the process of getting the sheep on the Ketchum train with the use of goats. It describes where differnt buildings were located including Jack Lane's store. Topics of discussion include: history of the Newman sheep business; sheep herders; annual migration of the Newman family; Ketchum Livestock Association; sheep shipping day; attitudes toward sheep men; forest reserve; the road over Galena Summit; social interaction; predators and the elimination of jack rabbits; stray pickers; pioneer hospitality; characters and families from early Ketchum; Price Newman's innovations in sheep business; summers in Ketchum; Ketchum after the silver mining bust; entertainment in Ketchum; automobiles of the era; Jack Lane's Mercantile; Jerias Lewis; the Fanny Club; Basque food and cooking; lambing crews; trailing sheep to grazing; uncle Billy Newman.]
OH 0018 NEW
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