Browse All : Images of Ketchum (Idaho) from 1983.
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Judy Atkinson Oral History
Atkinson, Judy 1939-
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Sandy Snyder; transcribed by Margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra hoffereber and Clara Spiegel., Judy Atkinson chaired the board which created Sam's (Hazard) School in 1973, which over the year's segued into The Community School, a private K-12 school located in Sun Valley (ID). She discusses the history: beginnings, leadership, staffing, physical plant(s), controversies etc.]
OH 0085 ATK
Judy Atkinson Oral History
Atkinson, Judy 1939-
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Sandy Snyder; transcribed by Margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra hoffereber and Clara Spiegel., Judy Atkinson chaired the board which created Sam's (Hazard) School in 1973, which over the year's segued into The Community School, a private K-12 school located in Sun Valley (ID). She discusses the history: beginnings, leadership, staffing, physical plant(s), controversies etc.]
OH 0085 ATK
Bessie Bentley Oral History
Bessie Bentley 1909-1999.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by deanne Thompson; transcribed by margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Speigel., Bessie Weaver Bentley was born in Twin Falls (ID) and lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, where her husband had Bentley's Photography. They moved to Ketchum in 1947 where they built and lived above the downtown Ketchum Bentley building. Bessie applied herself to community work, mostly involving The Community Library starting with the Gold Mine when it was in the mining shacks, fund raising and serving 40 years on the Library Board. she was a talented musician and notable cook. Most of the interview is a discussion concerning the early days of the Gold Mine and Community Library.]
OH 0093 BEN
Bessie Bentley Oral History
Bessie Bentley 1909-1999.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by deanne Thompson; transcribed by margaret Donnelly; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Speigel., Bessie Weaver Bentley was born in Twin Falls (ID) and lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, where her husband had Bentley's Photography. They moved to Ketchum in 1947 where they built and lived above the downtown Ketchum Bentley building. Bessie applied herself to community work, mostly involving The Community Library starting with the Gold Mine when it was in the mining shacks, fund raising and serving 40 years on the Library Board. she was a talented musician and notable cook. Most of the interview is a discussion concerning the early days of the Gold Mine and Community Library.]
OH 0093 BEN
Edith Ellis Hyde Oral History as narrated by Dorothy Thomas.
Edith Ellis Hyde 1906-1990.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This interview was conducted by Dorothy Thomas; transcribed by Ginger Poitter; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Spiegel., Edith was a true pioneer and loved Ketchum. She lived in the Wood River Valley until her death. She spent most of her life caretaking for differnt family members but her tale is remarkable and filled with medical challanges that were prominent during those times. Topics of discussion include: immigration to the US from England, memories of her father's work on the railroad, an accident where his leg was crushed, and moving to Ketchum from Richfield; discussion of learning the piano and later giving piano lessons; discussion of her marriage and later the death of her husband; working for Sun Valley resort and later working at the Gold Mine., Transcription index reads as follows: 1912 2; 1935 50; 1944 50; 1952 30; 1971 37; 1974 37; Alzheimer's disease 47-48; appendicitis 26, 46; artritis 28; Bald Mountain 25; Barry, Agnes 18; Bell, ned 30; Beloit, Kansas 23; Blackfoot, ID 48; Boise, ID 21, 37, 51; Bragg, Paul 25; Brass Ranch 27; Brown, Mary Lemon 37; Burns' Ranch 4; Butte, MT 21; Canada 16; Carey, ID 20; Cheyenne, Wyoming 3; Chicago World's Fair 23; Christmas 9; Civilian Conservation Corp 22, 23; Community Library Association Board of Directors 32, 35; Community Library Librarian 33-34; Competency Hearings 49; Cox, Mrs. 37, 38; dances 22; Day, Dr. Ivan 29, 51; Denver, CO 3, 4; Ellis, Albert William (Bill) 11, 12, 13-14, 16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 46-47; Ellis, Edith May 1-2, 5, 8-9, 11-13, 14-17, 30, 37-38, 43-47; Ellis family 1; Ellis home 14, 39; Ellis Island 3; Ellis, Thomas James 1-2, 4-8, 9-10, 15, 21, 23, 24, 45-46; employment, janitorial 5; employment, ranching 4; flu 26; Fowler family 19; Freddie's Restaurant 14; Galena Summit 22; Gillespie, Mr. 52; Gold Mine 31, 32-37, 38; Greeks 7; Griffith Grocery 27; Griffith, Mrs. 18; Hadley, Father 45; Hailey Hospital 27, 46; Hailey, ID 12, 19, 20, 27, 37, 42, 52; heart condition 29; hoghway crew 22; Hill City, ID 5; HMS Majestic 2; HMS Titanic 2; Huey, Charlie 44; Hyde, Anna 22, 25, 28-29, 30, 43, 44, 47-53; Hyde home 50; Hyde, Nell 28, 50; Hyde, Patrick 23, 48; Hyde, William (Willie) 22, 28-29, 51; hysterectomy 38; Idaho Falls, ID 37; Irish 16; Italian 17; Jacobs, George 33; Jacobs, Grace 32, 33; Janss Corporation 31; Janss, William 31; Ketchum, ID 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 40, 41; Knott, Mr. 17; Knott, Mrs. 17, 19; Landenburger, Dr. 7; Lane, Jeanne 32, 33; Le Bailey, family 10; Le Bailey, Mr. 9; Legion Loonies 42; Lewis, Kathrine (Mrs. Horace, Aunt Kate) 29; Lloyd, Arthur 1; Lloyds of London 1; Lombardina family 16; London, England 1, 2, 3; Magic Reservoir 2, 5; Mallory, Martyn 18; Mallory, William 18; May family 2, 7, 9, 15; McFall Hotel 4; McGonigle, Nita Le Bailey 20; medicine 6-9, 11-12, 27-28, 29-30; music 13-15, 17-21; nervous breakdown 14; North Fork 40; Ogden, UT 52; "One Man's Family" radio show 26; Parks family 16; penicillin 26; Picabo, ID 20; pneumonia 10, 51; Pocatello, ID 6-9; property value 39-40; railroad 3; railroad accident 5-9; railroad, speeder 5-6; recreation, fishing 15; recreation, walking 15; Reid family 18; Richfield, ID 2, 4-5, 6, 9, 16; Salt Lake City, UT 7; Sanger, Norma 20; school pagent 13-15; school 13, 17; Sexton, Mr. 27; shelfont, Betty 35-36; Shirley, England 1; Shoshone, ID 10, 12; snow 15, 25; Social security 30, 31, 32; South Dakota 2, 9, 15; spinal meningitis 10-13, 29; Spokane, WA 23, 24; St. Michael's Cathedral, Boise, ID 23; Stapleton, Pearl 20; Su Casa restaurant 14; sulfa drugs 26; Sun Valley, ID 30-31, 40, 42, 52; U. S. Forest Service 22, 25; ulcers 52; Union Pacific Railroad 7, 8, 9, 30, 31; United States of America 2; Venable, george 25; Venable, George 25; Venable, Mrs. (Frances, Mother V) 18, 19; warm Springs 22; whales 3; Womack, Charlie 18; Worls war II 46; Wright, Dr. 27-28.]
OH 0038 HYD
Oral History of Edith Ellis Hyde
Edith Ellis Hyde 1905-1990.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted by Dorothy Thomas; transcribed by Carol Karlig; and edited by Ginger Piotter, Sandra Hofferber, and Clara Spiegel., This interview consists of going through a photo albumn and naming the people in the photos. The photos are not included in the Oral History although there is some good information on differnt restaurants in the early days of Sun Valley and some local stories. Topics of discussion include: Senator Rockwell and his wife; the Venable family; 4th of July parade 1924; ketchum hotels; Christmas pagents and various theatricals; Prohibition; school; winter employment; Ketchum Kamp Hotel; ringing the bells at the New Year; the Wilson family; Ketchum Drug Store; emmigration to the US; life in England as a child; Grandfather Ellis; Grandfather May; Edith's mother's career., transcription index reads as follows: 1872 50; 1873 51; 1900 52, 54; 1901 52; 1912 48; 1914 32; 1916 32; 1917 34; 1918 34; 1920 5; 1927 5; 1928 5; 1929 5, 23, 25; 1930 18; 1933 49, 50; 1937 12; 1939 43; 1940 10; 1952 16; 1954 6, 7, 10; 1971 52; Arizona 4; Atkinson's Market 41; Auxier, Paul 47; avalanche 16; Baker, Oregon 38; Bald Mountain Hot Springs 25, 26, 27; Bald Mountain 35; Barry, Agnes 3-4, 6, 7, 18, 19; Barry home 19; Barry, John 4, 19; Barry, Mr. 4, 18, 20; Barry, Muzzie 1, 4-5, 18; Barry, William (Bill) 4, 8, 19; Battis, Gloria 46; Bellevue, ID 2; Blaine County, ID 35; Blankenship, Mr. 1; Blankenship, Mrs. 1; Blue Hungarian Band 54; Boise, ID 23, 28, 35, 37, 38, 49; Boise Statesman 23; Bonning, Clarence 8; Bonning home 3; Bonning, Kate 3; bootleggers 32; Brandt, David 25-27; Brandt, Dorothy 26; Brass, Mr. and Mrs. 22; Bristol Hotel 38; Broadhead, Mrs. 21; Buhl, ID 26; Bunn, Mr. and Mrs. 22; California 5, 6, 10, 18; Carey, ID 14, 15, 17; Carshalton, England 52; Casino Club 40; Catholic Church 22; Checkerboard Cafe 26; Christmas 16, 28, 29-31; Cincinnati, OH 42; Clausen, Mr. 18; Clausen, Nell Barry 3-4, 6, 7, 18; Clements, Ruth Helen 28; Coon farm 54-56, 58; Depression 26; Dollar Mountain 3; Draeger, Dorothy Werry 1, 2, 8, 15; Draeger, Jack 7-8, 13; Draeger, Mrs. jack 13; Draeger, Sid 7; drinking 23, 32-33; Ebby, Elmer 40; Ellis, Albert William 38, 49, 52, 55, 56; Ellis, Edith May 4, 35, 51, 52-58; Ellis, Grandparents 56-57; Ellis, Thomas James 23, 50, 53-56; employment 37-39; employment, bank 21; employment, bus lines 24; employment, carpentry 37, 38; employment, domestic service 54-60; employment, mining 37; employment, railroad 34, 49, 50; employment, sheep ranching 38; employment, surveyor 21; England 51-52; entertainment 22-25, 27, 31-33, 40; Fairman, Esther 19; Falk's Store 37; fashion 15; Fegan, Lela 14; "Four Beautiful Black Sisters" 13; Friedman, Lucille 14; Galena, ID 19; Giacobbi Square 41; Gillette, Mr. 8; Glen, Olie 41; "Girl of the Limberlost" 36; Gooding home 10; Griffith, Leora 20; Griffith, Albert 44; Griffith Grocery 37; Griffith, Helen 44; Griffith home 19; Griffith, Mrs. 44; Griffith, Oscar 8, 37, 38, 44; Guyer Hot Springs Hotel 26, 33; H. M. S. Majestic 48; H. M. S. Titanic 48; Hailey, ID 19, 26, 28, 35; Haines, Robert (Bob) 23; Harriman, W. Averrell 27; Hazelmere, England 52; Hegstrom, Bud 47; Heiss 19; helm, Chuck 24-25; Helm, Mrs. Charles 25; Howe, Mr. 33; Irish 22; Italy 22; J. C. Penny Stores 26; July Fourth 1924 22, 25; "Just david" 36; karse, Johnny 30; Kensington Park 59; Ketchum Corners 26; Ketchum Drug Store 46-48; Ketchum Fire Department 45; Ketchum, ID 6, 19, 20, 25, 52; Ketchum King Katies Klub 22; Ketchum OSL Depot 16; Ketchum Post Office 19, 24; Ketchum School House 41; Knott, Mr. 29; La Bailey family 48; Lewis Dairy 21; Lewis Fast Freight 21; Lewis, george 21; Lewis, Horace 20-21; Lewis, Isaac I. 21; Lewis, Katherine Barry (Aunt Kate) 3-4, 7, 18, 20-21; 22; Lewis, Mrs. Horace (first wife) 20; Lewis Toll Road 21; Lloyd, Mrs. 55-56; Lloyd, Herbert 53-54; Lloyds of London 53, 56; London, England 53, 59; Lord Eldon 56; Louie's Pizza 41; Magic Lantern Movie Theatre 25; May Grandparents 57-58; McClaw Hotel 49; McCoy home 17; McNiel family 44; Mendiola family 32; moonshine 32; Mormon 22; Mueller, Tony 19; music 24-25, 28, 33; New Year's Eve 41; Nighthawks 24; North Star Mines 32-33; Oaks Cottage 56; Odd Fellows Hall 25, 27; ore wagons 21-24; Parks, Joseph 8; Pecos Pete's 42; Philadelphia Smelter 17, 36; Picabo, ID 34; Preston, ID 50; Price, Esther 36; Price, Jim 36; Prohibition 32-33; Queen Victoria 52, 53; radio 33; Redfish Lake 27; Richfield, ID 48; River Run 24; Rockwell home 15; Rockwell, Lallah Rookh 1, 12; Rockwell, Senator I. E. 1, 12-13, 14; rotary snowplow 34; Rummell, Mr. 42-43; Saint George Hotel 26; saloons 32; San Francisco, CA 11, 37; Sanders, Sam 23, 24; Santa Claus 29, 30; Sawtooth City, ID 19; Sawtooth Mountains 19; Schaffgotch, Count Felix 27; school 29, 34-35, 57; Seattle, WA 4, 5, 18; Sexton, Al 9; Shirley, England 50; Shoshone, ID 26, 49; skiing and skiers 14, 35-36; Slavey's 46; snow 9, 16, 34; Southhampton, England 48; St. Thomas Episcopal Church 49; Sun Valley, ID 11, 24-25, 44, 47, 52; Sun Valley Lodge 11; Sun Valley Rodeo 11, 24; Taylor, Dorice 42; Taylor, Phez 42; telegraph 34; Trail Creek 3; Triumph, ID 32; Turnbull, Dorothy 7; Turnbull home 14; Twin Falls, ID 4, 18, 24-25; U. S. Naval Hospital 47; Union Pacific Railroad 39, 51; United States of America 54; Venable, Althea 1, 6-7, 9, 16, 46; Venable, Billy Sid 2; Venable, Charles 2, 8; Venable family 1-10, 18, 23; Venable, Francis Barry (Mother V) 3-4, 5, 7, 17, 18, 21; Venable, Frank 2, 6, 8, 38-39; Venable, George 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 46; Venable home 3, 6-7, 9, 10, 14, 17; Venable, Margaret 47; Venable, Sid 2-3, 21; Veteran's Hospital 44; Wallace, ID 13; Wami, Mrs. 31; Warm Springs 41; Western Cafe 25; Wilson home 44-45; Wilson, Norman 38, 45; Wilson, Grandmother 36; Windom Creek 8; Winkworth, Mr. 58; Winkworth, Mrs. 58; Womack, Charles 28; Wood River 41; World War I 33; Wright, Mrs. 26, 27.]
OH 0041 HYD
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