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Edith Ellis Hyde Oral History as narrated by Dorothy Thomas.
Edith Ellis Hyde 1906-1990.
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This interview was conducted by Dorothy Thomas; transcribed by Ginger Poitter; and edited by Sandra Hofferber and Clara Spiegel., Edith was a true pioneer and loved Ketchum. She lived in the Wood River Valley until her death. She spent most of her life caretaking for differnt family members but her tale is remarkable and filled with medical challanges that were prominent during those times. Topics of discussion include: immigration to the US from England, memories of her father's work on the railroad, an accident where his leg was crushed, and moving to Ketchum from Richfield; discussion of learning the piano and later giving piano lessons; discussion of her marriage and later the death of her husband; working for Sun Valley resort and later working at the Gold Mine., Transcription index reads as follows: 1912 2; 1935 50; 1944 50; 1952 30; 1971 37; 1974 37; Alzheimer's disease 47-48; appendicitis 26, 46; artritis 28; Bald Mountain 25; Barry, Agnes 18; Bell, ned 30; Beloit, Kansas 23; Blackfoot, ID 48; Boise, ID 21, 37, 51; Bragg, Paul 25; Brass Ranch 27; Brown, Mary Lemon 37; Burns' Ranch 4; Butte, MT 21; Canada 16; Carey, ID 20; Cheyenne, Wyoming 3; Chicago World's Fair 23; Christmas 9; Civilian Conservation Corp 22, 23; Community Library Association Board of Directors 32, 35; Community Library Librarian 33-34; Competency Hearings 49; Cox, Mrs. 37, 38; dances 22; Day, Dr. Ivan 29, 51; Denver, CO 3, 4; Ellis, Albert William (Bill) 11, 12, 13-14, 16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 46-47; Ellis, Edith May 1-2, 5, 8-9, 11-13, 14-17, 30, 37-38, 43-47; Ellis family 1; Ellis home 14, 39; Ellis Island 3; Ellis, Thomas James 1-2, 4-8, 9-10, 15, 21, 23, 24, 45-46; employment, janitorial 5; employment, ranching 4; flu 26; Fowler family 19; Freddie's Restaurant 14; Galena Summit 22; Gillespie, Mr. 52; Gold Mine 31, 32-37, 38; Greeks 7; Griffith Grocery 27; Griffith, Mrs. 18; Hadley, Father 45; Hailey Hospital 27, 46; Hailey, ID 12, 19, 20, 27, 37, 42, 52; heart condition 29; hoghway crew 22; Hill City, ID 5; HMS Majestic 2; HMS Titanic 2; Huey, Charlie 44; Hyde, Anna 22, 25, 28-29, 30, 43, 44, 47-53; Hyde home 50; Hyde, Nell 28, 50; Hyde, Patrick 23, 48; Hyde, William (Willie) 22, 28-29, 51; hysterectomy 38; Idaho Falls, ID 37; Irish 16; Italian 17; Jacobs, George 33; Jacobs, Grace 32, 33; Janss Corporation 31; Janss, William 31; Ketchum, ID 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 40, 41; Knott, Mr. 17; Knott, Mrs. 17, 19; Landenburger, Dr. 7; Lane, Jeanne 32, 33; Le Bailey, family 10; Le Bailey, Mr. 9; Legion Loonies 42; Lewis, Kathrine (Mrs. Horace, Aunt Kate) 29; Lloyd, Arthur 1; Lloyds of London 1; Lombardina family 16; London, England 1, 2, 3; Magic Reservoir 2, 5; Mallory, Martyn 18; Mallory, William 18; May family 2, 7, 9, 15; McFall Hotel 4; McGonigle, Nita Le Bailey 20; medicine 6-9, 11-12, 27-28, 29-30; music 13-15, 17-21; nervous breakdown 14; North Fork 40; Ogden, UT 52; "One Man's Family" radio show 26; Parks family 16; penicillin 26; Picabo, ID 20; pneumonia 10, 51; Pocatello, ID 6-9; property value 39-40; railroad 3; railroad accident 5-9; railroad, speeder 5-6; recreation, fishing 15; recreation, walking 15; Reid family 18; Richfield, ID 2, 4-5, 6, 9, 16; Salt Lake City, UT 7; Sanger, Norma 20; school pagent 13-15; school 13, 17; Sexton, Mr. 27; shelfont, Betty 35-36; Shirley, England 1; Shoshone, ID 10, 12; snow 15, 25; Social security 30, 31, 32; South Dakota 2, 9, 15; spinal meningitis 10-13, 29; Spokane, WA 23, 24; St. Michael's Cathedral, Boise, ID 23; Stapleton, Pearl 20; Su Casa restaurant 14; sulfa drugs 26; Sun Valley, ID 30-31, 40, 42, 52; U. S. Forest Service 22, 25; ulcers 52; Union Pacific Railroad 7, 8, 9, 30, 31; United States of America 2; Venable, george 25; Venable, George 25; Venable, Mrs. (Frances, Mother V) 18, 19; warm Springs 22; whales 3; Womack, Charlie 18; Worls war II 46; Wright, Dr. 27-28.]
OH 0038 HYD
An interview with Myrle Robertson Bradshaw
Bradshaw, Myrle Robertson, 1913- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted ny Miriam breckenridge and was edited by Miriam Breckenridge, Sandra Hofferber, Connie Grabow, and Shirley Huckins; transcribed by Claudia walsworth., 1922-1930 were very bad years in the sheep business. The winter of 1924 was the worst as there was no hay or feed for the sheep. "C" Robertson was Myrle's father and started the Robertson-Thomas Sheep Co.after those bad years. Myrle talks about the role of women in the sheep business and the lonley life of the wives and mothers, with the husbands gone most of the time; includes discussion of Mrrle's father's background and arrival in Idaho; her gather's life and sheep business; and memories of the hot plunge at the Hiawatha Hotel in Hailey., transcription index reads as follows: 1898 35; 1900 3; 1910 4, 7, 18, 35; 1912 35; 1922 7, 8, 11, 17; 1924 9; 1929 7, 30; 1930 7, 8, 11, 17, 30; 1932 11; 1934 26; 1939 14; 1940 8, 14, 18, 30; Adams Gulch 2; Alaska 2; Andora, Spain 16; Atkinson, Charles (Chuck) 18; automobiles 7, 20; Barcelona, Spain 16; Basque 15, 20; Bellevue, ID 13, 19, 24, 25; Big Smokey 34; Bliss, ID 23; blizzard 9-10; Bradshaw, Douglas (Buzz) 4, 12, 14, 15-16, 19, 22, 26, 35; brands 8; Breckenridge, John 5, 13, 15, 30, 34; Breckenridge, L. L. 13, 14; Bruneau desert 9-10, 23; Burks, Dennis (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis II (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis III (Denny) 32; Carey, ID 13; cattle 4, 33; Calkworth, Mr. 19; Chicago, IL 5; Christmas 9-10; Church, Senator Frank 36; Clover Creek 23; dairy 3; Deer Creek 25; Denver, CO 5; Dunn, Charles (Chuck) 18; East Fork of the Wood River 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 34; England, 3; Feldenheusen family 13; Flat Top Sheep Company 31; Fourth of July 24-25; Friedman, leon 19; Friedman, Lucille 25; Galena Summit 4, 7; Gladiator Pass 4, 6; Gooding College 11; Gooding family 33; Gooding ranch 8; Gooding, Frank 2-3; Gooding, ID 3-5, 6, 8, 11, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35; Gooding, Mrs. Frank 3; Grandview, ID 9-10; 20; Gray, Cathrine 26; Hailey, ID 19, 24, 25, 27; Hiawatha Hot Springs Hotel 25-26; homesteading 3; honey business 12, 14; Horse Creek 4; horses 19-20; Hyndman Peak 13; Jerome, ID 17; Kentucky 23; Ketchum, ID 2, 23, 24; Ketchum Livestock Association 34; Kilpatrick Store 18; Klondike 2; labor day 11; land prices 13-14; Lewis, Horace 24; Little Wood River 18; McClure, Senator James 36; mining 2, 3, 24; Mississippi 2; Montana 5; Muldoon, ID 13, 17; Neilsen, Elmer 33; Nevada 8; Oregon 11; Painter, Theodore (The) 19; Peavey, Arthur (Art) 32; Peavey, Mary Thomas (Brooks) 17-18, 32; Picabo, ID 5, 24; Pyrenees Mountains 15-16; Robertson, John C. 2-3, 7-8, 9-12, 17-18, 20, 22, 29, 33, 35; Robertson, Jon. C., Jr. 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13-14, 19-20, 32; Robertson, Mabel Tibbs 6, 20, 26, 27-28; Robertson, William (Billy) 3, 8; Robertson/Thomas Sheep Company 7-11, 17-19, 28-30, 31; Safeway Grocery stores 4; Salmon River 4, 6, 8; San Francisco, CA 2; Sandpoint, ID 2; Shannon, Dr. 2; Sheep, business 4; sheep camp 16-17, 28-29; sheep shipping 5, 24, 35; sheep, trailing 4, 9, 35; sheep, trucking 11; Shoshone, ID 5, 35; Thomas, Dale 17, 29; Thomas family 28; Thomas, Frank 8; Thomas, Jack 8, 17-18, 31; Thomas, Mrs. Frank 28; Thomas, Mrs. Jack 28; Thomas, Senator 28, 32; Thomas, Tink 17-18; timber industry 2; taponis, ID 3; Touslouse, FR 16; Twin Falls, ID 26; U. S. Forest Service 35; University of California 2; Wendell, ID 33; West, James (Jim) 13; White Cloud Mountains 4, 34; Wood River 28.]
OH 0011 BRA
An interview with Myrle Robertson Bradshaw
Bradshaw, Myrle Robertson, 1913- ,
[The Oral History Collection consists of taped interviews of long-time residents. This oral history interview was conducted ny Miriam breckenridge and was edited by Miriam Breckenridge, Sandra Hofferber, Connie Grabow, and Shirley Huckins; transcribed by Claudia walsworth., 1922-1930 were very bad years in the sheep business. The winter of 1924 was the worst as there was no hay or feed for the sheep. "C" Robertson was Myrle's father and started the Robertson-Thomas Sheep Co.after those bad years. Myrle talks about the role of women in the sheep business and the lonley life of the wives and mothers, with the husbands gone most of the time; includes discussion of Mrrle's father's background and arrival in Idaho; her gather's life and sheep business; and memories of the hot plunge at the Hiawatha Hotel in Hailey., transcription index reads as follows: 1898 35; 1900 3; 1910 4, 7, 18, 35; 1912 35; 1922 7, 8, 11, 17; 1924 9; 1929 7, 30; 1930 7, 8, 11, 17, 30; 1932 11; 1934 26; 1939 14; 1940 8, 14, 18, 30; Adams Gulch 2; Alaska 2; Andora, Spain 16; Atkinson, Charles (Chuck) 18; automobiles 7, 20; Barcelona, Spain 16; Basque 15, 20; Bellevue, ID 13, 19, 24, 25; Big Smokey 34; Bliss, ID 23; blizzard 9-10; Bradshaw, Douglas (Buzz) 4, 12, 14, 15-16, 19, 22, 26, 35; brands 8; Breckenridge, John 5, 13, 15, 30, 34; Breckenridge, L. L. 13, 14; Bruneau desert 9-10, 23; Burks, Dennis (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis II (Denny) 31; Burks, Dennis III (Denny) 32; Carey, ID 13; cattle 4, 33; Calkworth, Mr. 19; Chicago, IL 5; Christmas 9-10; Church, Senator Frank 36; Clover Creek 23; dairy 3; Deer Creek 25; Denver, CO 5; Dunn, Charles (Chuck) 18; East Fork of the Wood River 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 34; England, 3; Feldenheusen family 13; Flat Top Sheep Company 31; Fourth of July 24-25; Friedman, leon 19; Friedman, Lucille 25; Galena Summit 4, 7; Gladiator Pass 4, 6; Gooding College 11; Gooding family 33; Gooding ranch 8; Gooding, Frank 2-3; Gooding, ID 3-5, 6, 8, 11, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35; Gooding, Mrs. Frank 3; Grandview, ID 9-10; 20; Gray, Cathrine 26; Hailey, ID 19, 24, 25, 27; Hiawatha Hot Springs Hotel 25-26; homesteading 3; honey business 12, 14; Horse Creek 4; horses 19-20; Hyndman Peak 13; Jerome, ID 17; Kentucky 23; Ketchum, ID 2, 23, 24; Ketchum Livestock Association 34; Kilpatrick Store 18; Klondike 2; labor day 11; land prices 13-14; Lewis, Horace 24; Little Wood River 18; McClure, Senator James 36; mining 2, 3, 24; Mississippi 2; Montana 5; Muldoon, ID 13, 17; Neilsen, Elmer 33; Nevada 8; Oregon 11; Painter, Theodore (The) 19; Peavey, Arthur (Art) 32; Peavey, Mary Thomas (Brooks) 17-18, 32; Picabo, ID 5, 24; Pyrenees Mountains 15-16; Robertson, John C. 2-3, 7-8, 9-12, 17-18, 20, 22, 29, 33, 35; Robertson, Jon. C., Jr. 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13-14, 19-20, 32; Robertson, Mabel Tibbs 6, 20, 26, 27-28; Robertson, William (Billy) 3, 8; Robertson/Thomas Sheep Company 7-11, 17-19, 28-30, 31; Safeway Grocery stores 4; Salmon River 4, 6, 8; San Francisco, CA 2; Sandpoint, ID 2; Shannon, Dr. 2; Sheep, business 4; sheep camp 16-17, 28-29; sheep shipping 5, 24, 35; sheep, trailing 4, 9, 35; sheep, trucking 11; Shoshone, ID 5, 35; Thomas, Dale 17, 29; Thomas family 28; Thomas, Frank 8; Thomas, Jack 8, 17-18, 31; Thomas, Mrs. Frank 28; Thomas, Mrs. Jack 28; Thomas, Senator 28, 32; Thomas, Tink 17-18; timber industry 2; taponis, ID 3; Touslouse, FR 16; Twin Falls, ID 26; U. S. Forest Service 35; University of California 2; Wendell, ID 33; West, James (Jim) 13; White Cloud Mountains 4, 34; Wood River 28.]
OH 0011 BRA
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